Guardiões da Devoção
Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day
It is nice that you are doing preaching work there, but you should know that such practices like stealing are against the principles of Krishna Consciousness.
Saturday, December 28, 1968
Los Angeles, Calif.
My Dear ???,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 24, 1968 which was sent from the Halawa Jayal.
It is nice that you are doing preaching work there, but you should know that such practices like stealing are against the principles of Krishna Consciousness. I always want that my students should be very ideal in character and not discredit our society. Actually, one who is in Krishna Consciousness automatically develops all of the good qualities which are possessed by the demigods. So we should always try to develop in this way by becoming fully surrendered to Lord Krishna.
For Krishna we can execute any activity, but this is not free license to act whimsically. Arjuna was able to fight on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra because this was Krishna’s desire, not because it was simply his whims. So please try to remember this and Krishna will help you surely as you are sincere soul.
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