Inversão de Valores Motivadas Materialmente
The Homonym ISKCON (about Narayana Maharaja)
Meus Amigos Devotos, temos que tentar ser amigos de todas as entidades vivas e viver pacificamente praticando nosso sadhana em busca de nosso avanço espiritual. Todavia percebemos de forma clara que existe nesse momento uma absurda inversão de valores, quando um Devoto do Nível de Srila Narayana Maharaja sofre esses tipos de restrições, enquanto outros devoticos que mal saíram dos cueiros obtém toda sorte de compaixão porque estiveram ai uns 10 anos fazendo algum serviço, mesmo que tenham abertamente quebrado princípios, freqüentando festas "have" e diretamente confessado.
Essa diferença de tratamento vai além do absurdo, ingressa diretamente no campo da mais temível loucura - Verdadeira Aparadha.
Dizem os defensores do devotico que ele fez muito serviço, quem ninguém tem o poder de julgar e qualquer coisa que se diga a respeito de seu comprovado comportamento seria Aparadha.
O que dizer então do que estão Fazendo em relação a um Puro Devoto?
Narayana Maharaja, sobre os olhos coniventes de todos dentro da Instituição foi julgado e expulso, muito embora, mantendo seus votos de Renunciado por mais de 60 anos, jamais transigiu com Maya sendo sempre fiel aos princípios do Vaisnavismo, e acima de tudo amigo de Srila Prabhupada, em nome de quem, veio ao Ocidente trazer alento aos frustrados e abandonados a própria sorte pela instituição fundada pelo mestre.
Desculpem - pelo que vem sendo relatado acima - Alguns "postulantes a devotos" estão vivendo algum tipo de loucura coletiva, uma espécie de cegueira derivada do terror de ser abandonado por uma Instituição que nada mais guarda de seu fundador além da lembrança. Sem dúvida postura vai além da ingenuidade e entra abertamente no campo dos interesses materiais.
Que fiquem certo que, restabelecida a sanidade, tal postura jamais será esquecida pelas gerações futuras e ficará na história como um dos erros que causaram a ruína de toda uma Geração.
Choramos no coração estar presente nesse planeta convivendo com tal Absurdo.
S.S. Vyasa Dasa (ACBSP)
ISKCON Bans Sadhus
by Srimati Jadurani devi dasi 1 October 2002
For the past few years, ISKCON leaders have had a worldwide ban on Gaudiya Matha Indian sadhus. In particular, the ban is targeted to Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, one of India's most renowned saints, who is honored by over 100,000 Indian and Western devotees and other religious-minded persons. Not only do the ISKCON leaders make regular propaganda against him, they do not allow him to enter their temples around the world. In hopes that this ban would be removed, we, disciples of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja (the founder-acarya of ISKCON) and also followers of Srila Narayana Maharaja, did not make it public before.
However, because it has, on the contrary, become increasingly stringent, and many sincere devotees are suffering as a result, we now find no other option than to inform our respected Indian readers.
This ban does not only apply to Srila Narayana Maharaja. It also applies to his disciples, as well as to the disciples of Srila Prabhupada, and it also applies to other devotees who associate with and appreciate him.
The Ban in Los Angeles
The following official letter from ISKCON of Los Angeles was recently handed to one of Srila Narayana Maharaja's disciples who had been living one block from the temple and attending its functions for several years:
"The policy of ISKCON Los Angeles is that initiated disciples of the guru Narayana Maharaja are not allowed on any of the ISKCON properties, including the temple, the restaurant, the gift shop, or the ISKCON property division apartment building on Watseka Avenue. As an initiated disciple of Narayana Maharaja, you have been informed of this policy verbally and by letter. The letter you received also explained the reasons for the policy. Despite these notifications, you have refused to obey the policy, and have entered one or more of the above-mentioned properties. The next time you violate the policy by entering any of the above-mentioned properties, the temple will obtain a restraining order, forbidding you to enter those properties. As soon as it is issued, this order will show up on your police record. You should also understand that if you violate the restraining order, you might be subject to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Our hope is that you will respect the policy, and not force the issuance of a restraining order."
The Ban at Bhaktivedanta Manor
The Bhaktivedanta Manor in England is another example. Its policy is that any devotee who accepts guidance from Srila Narayana Maharaja, or is even just curious to meet him, are at risk of being banned from the Manor and rejected from ISKCON. Many of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, who have given up to 30 years of their lives for his service and the service of the Deities were banned from the Manor. Although these devotees had faithfully distributed hundreds of thousands of Srila Prabhupada's books, they were banned because of their faith in Srila Narayana Maharaja. Their children were also banned from attending the temple Gurukula, and young Indian members of Pandava Sena Youth Forum who were interested in taking siksa from Srila Narayana Maharaja were banned from the temple. When local devotees approached Srila Narayana Maharaja's disciples with criticisms of him, any attempt undertaken by his disciples to defend him was immediately reported to the authorities as "proselytizing." When the disciples of Srila Narayana Maharaja protested that they had been forced into defending their spiritual master, the authorities declared that even if their guru was being blasphemed they were forbidden to answer back. This was not an isolated incident. Approaching the devotees, temple authorities threatened them with dire consequences should they so much as mention the name of "Narayana Maharaja" or speak about him in any way.
Srila Narayana Maharaja's Relationship with Srila Prabhupada
This is all very strange, since the relationship between Srila Narayana Maharaja and ISKCON's founder-acarya, Srila Prabhupada, has been very intimate since 1946, before the birth of most of the ISKCON devotees. Srila Narayana Maharaja's initiating guru, Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, is Srila Prabhupada's god-brother and sannyasa-guru, and Srila Maharaja himself is Prabhupada's siksa-disciple.
Srila Narayana Maharaja assisted Srila Prabhupada in his preaching in Jhansi and other places in the 1950's. He performed Prabhupada's sannyasa initiation in 1959 (even showing him how to wear the sannyasa apparel), and he assisted Prabhupada in publishing the books that he first brought with him to America in 1966. He sent Prabhupada Deities so that he could train his new Western disciples how to worship Thakurji, according to authorized Vedic standards, in his brand new ISKCON temples. He sent Prabhupada's Sanskrit books for his translation work, and also his first karatals and mrdangas for his worldwide sankirtana activities. He assisted Prabhupada in training the first American disciples who Prabhupada brought back with him to India, and he performed many other services until 1977.
Then, in November of 1977, when Srila Prabhupada was in his last manifest days in this world, he requested Srila Narayana Maharaja to take care of his disciples after his divine departure. Srila Maharaja promised to do so, just as Lord Rama promised his father Dasaratha Maharaja to serve his order up until his last breath. Although Prabhupada's own senior-most disciples and also his own god-brothers were also present at the time of his departure, he requested Srila Maharaja to personally put his divine body in samadhi. In 1986, on the request of the ISKCON leaders, Srila Maharaja went to the Bombay court and saved all the ISKCON properties and funds from being given to Prabhupada's previous son (who was suing ISKCON for all its properties on the false plea that Prabhupada never took sannyasa). Ever since Prabhupada's departure, Srila Narayana Maharaja has been helping to give new life to thousands of Prabhupada's followers who came to him for spiritual shelter.
Many thousands have been inspired.
Srila Narayana Maharaja in the West
Although he is over 82 years of age, Srila Narayana Maharaja regularly travels abroad. He preaches the glories of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha-Krsna, and the glory of ISKCON's founder-acarya Srila Prabhupada, for 8 months every year, in about 10 countries every year, and he has just completed his fourteenth world preaching tour. In many of those countries, especially in Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia, he is invited to give discourses on India's Vedic Sanatana-dharma, following in the line of Sri Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasadeva and Mahaprabhu, at prominent Hindu temples.
In June, 2001, Srila Narayana Maharaja held his annual Ratha-yatra festival in Birmingham, England. During that week-long festival, the Life Foundation Worldwide presented him with the "World Peace Flame", for his contribution to preaching love of God and peace around the world. Lit by royalty, indigenous elders and eminent peace-makers, the World Peace Flame was flown to England from six continents by the RAF (Royal Air Force). This award has also been presented to Pope John Paul II and the Dalai Lama.
Most of the prominent erudite Vaisnavas and panditas in Vraja-Mandala assembled in Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha on this auspicious dvadasi day to discuss the evolution of the conception of suddha-bhakti in the Srimad Bhagavatam. In this distinguished assembly, many elderly Vaisnava scholars of vast learning and experience, along with their devoted disciples, united on this momentous occasion to glorify suddha bhagavat-bhakti according to the precepts of their respective sampradayas. Such a council of Vaisnavas is very rarely seen in this world. Some of the mahatmas gracing the assembly by their noble presence were: Sri Srimad Manohara Lal Sastri, Pandita Chote Lal Sastri, Sri Srimad Acyuta Bhatta Gosvami, Sripad Vasanta Lal Sastri, Sri Thakurji Sastri, Sri Srimad Hariharaji Chachaji and others. More than two hundred devotees attended the function, eager to witness this unique event and hear the inevitable flow of hari-katha. As host of the assembly, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja welcomed and honored all the respectable speakers with asanas, sandalwood paste, flower garlands, and sweet words."
Many Indian government officials, like the DCP (Deputy Commissioner of Police) and also many court judges, in Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Mathura, and elsewhere are Srila Narayana Maharaja disciples. Many renowned industrialists and businessmen regularly come to him to inquire about spiritual life and receive his blessings. Many head pujaris throughout Vraja Mandala visit him and honor him. Others personally send their representatives, long distance from the well known Radha-Govinda Mandira in Jaipur and Jagannatha Temple in Puri, to bring him garlands from the Deities when he is about to commence on another world preaching tour. The leader of all Lord Jagannathadeva's servants, the Dayita-pati of Puri, also attends his classes when he is in Puri.
Srila Narayana Maharaja has been conducting Vraja Mandala Parikrama for over 50 years, and during that time, the heads of all the villages come to him and pay their respects. He's been engaged for several years in organizing the renovation of many holy places in Vrndavana, such as Bandiravana and Brahma-kunda in Govardhana. These renovations are well known to the public.
The events in relation to the renovations are published in the newspapers, and Srila Maharaja's work in this regard is also recognized by the government. He also leads a Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama every year at the time of Gaura-purnima, and at that time he and other acaryas and sannyasis are followed by over 20,000 pilgrims from Bengal, and over 2,000 other Indian and Western pilgrims. Most of the devotees from Bengal are poor village people, and therefore they are given free facilities and prasadam throughout the week-long festival.
Still, Srila Narayana Maharaja has been banned by ISKCON from entering Prabhupada's temples, and he is not even allowed to enter the samadhi mandira in Vrndavana, where he had personally put Prabhupada in samadhi in 1977. On the very rare occasion that he is allowed to come and pay his obeisances at an ISKCON temple, ISKCON leaders try to keep local devotees away from him.
Srila Narayana Maharaja does nothing but illuminate the words of Prabhupada to make his teachings and the teachings of his guru-parampara much more clear and vital to the suffering souls in this world, and yet he is being unfairly discriminated against.
The following is an excerpt from a transcript of a conversation that took place on May 31, 2000, in the Beverly Hills home of one of ISKCON's original eleven GBC-elected gurus, Hrdayananda Maharaja. Another participant is Bhagavan dasa, who is one of the original GBCs and a former ISKCON guru.
Bhakti-Caru Maharaja is also a GBC and another one of those later elected by that body to act as guru. [The GBC (Governing Body Commission) is legally charged with the administration of ISKCON.] Also present was Svasa dasa, ISKCON Los Angeles temple president.
Bhagavan dasa: [speaking to Srila Narayana Maharaja] We like to fight a little bit; but all the time is not good, and everybody in this room has a lot of love for you and I believe you have a lot of love for them. And I think that's the thing that Prabhupada was very expert at; taking all of us who really didn't like each other very much and making us like each other, to some degree. My understanding is that you came to the West to help Prabhupada.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: To serve; not to help.
Bhagavan dasa: Yes, to serve. And ISKCON needs service and help. I understand that there has been a lot of pain because of the way the GBC has responded to things.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: I think they want to serve ISKCON, this movement, and according to their intelligence they are doing so. But we can think further how we can honor each other and fulfill the mission of Srila Swami Maharaja.
Bhagavan dasa: Is it your desire, if possible, to be an active part of ISKCON - to work with people like Bhakti Caru, Hrdayananda - [addressing all present] working together without necessarily putting Maharaja as the new ISKCON Acarya but working with.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: I want only to help you in all ways. I don't want to be Acarya. I don't want to be GBC. I don't want any position. I want to help with the core of my heart.
Bhagavan dasa: .sometimes I think they have a fear that Prabhupada becomes relativised.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: He is my siksa-guru; not less than my diksa-guru.
Bhagavan dasa: If Prabhupada knew that Narayana Maharaja was in town, he wouldn't want that Narayana Maharaja would be giving a talk somewhere else and him giving a talk somewhere else. There would be no question about that.
You would be sleeping in his quarters with him, telling jokes, having fun, giving massages, making each other laugh, and talking on how to promote things.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: That is what I want - that first we make a proposal to discuss how we can honor each other, how we can have no ban to meet each other. Then, I may go there, and they can come to me everywhere.
Hrdayananda dasa Maharaja: At the same time we feel that it is necessary that those who are senior in ISKCON should be recognized as actually representing Srila Prabhupada and having a special understanding of Srila Prabhupada. And, based on that special understanding, Srila Prabhupada asked some of us to represent him even in his physical absence. I bring this up because for us this is one of the important things that has to be acknowledged in our relationship - that there is some understanding that is relevant to the co-operative mission. Anyhow... I'll stop here.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: But you should also know that I have been serving him since 1946, when there was no League of Devotees and no ISKCON. Your Prabhupada was a householder at that time, and he was one of the establishing members of the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti. He was one of the founders, and I have served him and associated with him since that time. I have experience of more than 54 years service to him. Moreover, I know that he is still alive and I want to follow him as my guru. I see no difference between us. Our bodies are different and our pronunciation of words is different, but we are in the same disciplic line of philosophy and mood.
Also, I was the priest of his sannyasa ceremony in 1959. So I consider that I am also his disciple. The GBC leaders should not think that only they have served him. I think that I have served more than anyone, from the core of my heart. I have so much regard for him. If anyone says that only he has served, that is very painful for me to hear. They should realize these things.
Bhakti Caru Maharaja: I understand.
Hrdayanda dasa Maharaja: Good. We are having a discussion. I think I would never say that you have not served Prabhupada. I would never say that, and I don't think anyone. I've never heard.
Bhakti Caru Maharaja: Narayana Maharaja, why don't you suggest what you would like ISKCON to.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: I want that you should sometimes invite me, and I will invite you. You should sometimes give me a chance to offer my puspanjali at the lotus feet of my siksa-guru, Srila Prabhupada.
Bhagavan dasa: Another proposal is that ISKCON temples are not manpower rich. They need manpower. There are temples that have hardly any pujaris.
There are temples that hardly have cooks. There are temples that hardly have people going out preaching. There are temple presidents that need manpower.
Narayana Maharaja is taking devotees who for some reason or other have lost their connection with ISKCON and he's given them some shelter and a home.
Maybe, sometimes the way you preach may not be familiar to everybody. I don't think that's really a big issue. I think the big issue is that the temples have no people. I think that the big issue is there are projects that Prabhupada gave his life for.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: I am ready to help. But we should honor each other and think that we are in the same family of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Whether someone is a kanistha-adhikari (a beginner in bhakti) or an uttama adhikari (a self-realized soul), we are all in the same family of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Sravasa dasa: If I could interject something? I don't think that Narayana Maharaja cannot come to the temple. He can come to the temple, but there are certain restrictions. There are certain restrictions the GBC have recommended for him coming to the temple; so I think we should focus more on that.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: Anyone else can go, without restrictions.
Sravas dasa: Yes.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: If Mayavadis can go, if Hollywood Stars can go, and you are not inviting me, I don't mind. But if I go and offer pranama, and I come to serve, what harm is there?
According to sastra, pure devotees are truly self-effulgent, and that effulgence is not dependent on being accepted by ISKCON management. Still, for the benefit of all, why should Srila Narayana Maharaja not be welcomed and invited to preach in Srila Prabhupada's temples? His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada would want nothing less.
[The author of this article, Jadurani dasi, is one of the earliest female disciples of ISKCON'S founder-acarya, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
She was one of the main illustrators of Srila Prabhupada's books, as well as one of his main preachers, ever since the Hare Krsna movement began in the West in 1966. She has been receiving personal guidance from Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja for the last ten years. She has kindly offered to meet with any leaders of the Indian community to further discuss the subject matter of this article, and also to assist those who would like to meet Srila Maharaja.]
If you would like to receive transcriptions of the classes given by Srila Narayana Maharaja during his preaching tours in the West, you can subscribe to our mailing list, bvnmharikatha-subscribe@yahoogroups.com, and you can also do so by sending your email address to syamarani@gaudiya.net.
Also, you are invited to visit Srila Maharaja's website at :
19:32 (2 minutos atrás)
Meus Amigos Devotos, temos que tentar ser amigos de todas as entidades vivas e viver pacificamente praticando nosso sadhana em busca de nosso avanço espiritual. Todavia percebemos de forma clara que existe nesse momento uma absurda inversão de valores, quando um Devoto do Nível de Srila Narayana Maharaja sofre esses tipos de restrições, enquanto outros devoticos que mal sairam dos cueiros obtém toda sorte de compaixão porque estiveram ai uns 10 anos fazendo algum serviço, mesmo que tenham abertamente quebrado princípios, freqüentando festas have e abertamente confessado.
Essa diferença de tratamento vai além do absurdo, ingressa diretamente no campo da mais temível loucura - Verdadeira Aparadha.
Dizem os defensores do devotico que ele fez muito serviço, quem ninguém tem o poder de julgar e qualquer coisa que se diga a respeito de seu comprovado comportamento seria Aparadha.
O que dizer então do que estão Fazendo em relação a um puro Devoto? Narayana Maharaja, sobre os olhos coniventes de todos dentro da Instituição foi julgado e expulso, muito embora, mantendo seus votos de Renunciado por mais de 60 anos, jamais transigiu com Maya, sendo sempre fiel aos princípios do Vaisnavismo, e acima de tudo amigo de Srila Prabhupada, em nome de quem, veio ao Ocidente trazer alento aos frustrados e abandonados a própria sorte pela instituição fundada pelo mestre.
Desculpem - pelo que vem sendo relatado acima - Alguns "postulantes a devotos" estão vivendo algum tipo de loucura coletiva, uma espécie de cegueira derivada do terror de ser abandonado por uma Instituição que nada mais guarda de seu fundador além da lembrança. Sem dúvida postura vai além da ingenuidade e entra abertamente no campo dos interesses materiais.
Que fiquem certo que, restabelecida a sanidade, tal postura jamais será esquecida pelas gerações futuras e ficará na história como um dos erros que causaram a ruina de toda uma Geração.
Choramos no coração estar presente nesse planeta convivendo com tal Absurdo.
S.S. Vyasa Dasa (ACBSP)
The Homonym ISKCON (about Narayana Maharaja)
The Homonym ISKCON (about Narayana Maharaja)
From Pada Newsletter 30. Oct. 2007
Cutting Through The Jungles Of False Propaganda and Misunderstanding: A response to Gadadhara prabhu's article on Srila Narayana Maharaja. Some time back an article appeared on Chakra entitled "Understanding Narayana Maharaja: His Own Words and Primary Sources". More recently, an updated version of that article was published in the Sun by Gadadhara dasa. The following article was written as a refutation of the original "Understanding Narayana Maharaja".
Recently there was an article published on the Cakra website, attempting to show that Srila Narayana Maharaja's teachings are different from those of Srila Prabhupada, and trying to discourage devotees from hearing from him. This compilation, full of quotes gathered by an ISKCON Gurukula teacher, was also translated and distributed in Mexico during Srila Maharaja's recent visit there. The ideas expressed in the compilation have already been refuted repeatedly over the years on the Internet. Still, because the compilation has just been translated into Spanish, we are again replying for the sake of new readers.
In this present article we will state the same quotes of Srila Narayana Maharaja used in the compilation, along with quotes from Srila Prabhupada confirming Srila Maharaja's statements. Knowing that every one of us understands both life and scripture according to our millions of births of impressions, sukrtis and samskaras, the author humbly requests the respected reader to consider the points presented herein in the light of your highest aspiration. Decide as you like.
The compilation posted on Cakra is called 'Understanding Narayana Maharaja: his own words and other primary sources'. Let us first of all consider the meaning of the title, which may lead the reader to think that it is accurately representing Srila Maharaja's words. Actually, his words are many times taken out of context, and sometimes simply changed. Moreover, in the ISKCON compilation, the 'primary sources' are not even credible.
When quoting the compilation, we shall begin with the word 'COMPILATION', and we will begin our own statements with the word 'REFUTATION'. Because the compilation is very lengthy and contains so many ideas, we shall discuss only half of those ideas in this article and more of them in articles to come. Our article is quite long, but we beg your indulgence, for a careful reading will clear the matter. Otherwise, you are quite welcome to browse:
COMPILATION 1: Narayana Maharaja Mathura, October 24, 1999: "We can glorify Swamiji, Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja. But those who are falling down, how can they glorify him? They cannot glorify him, never; they are cutting. They are establishing that he was the founder of ISKCON, but I know that he was not founder, he was one of the members of this in guru parampara. It was founded by Krishna, and first acarya was Brahma, then Narada, then Vyasa. Only he has changed the name and he has preached these things in Western countries."
[PADA: FOUNDER ACHARYA. First of all, notice the immediate disrespect to Srila Prabhupada. He gave "Jadurani" that name, and now she has been in essence "re-initiated" by Narayana Maharaja with a new name -- "Shyamarani." When some of Srila Prabhupada's God brothers gave these "new names" to his disciples in the late 1960s he said, "This is most disrespectful to me and this action would never be conducted by any bona fide Vaishnava." How did you guess, NM has given other "new names" to Srila Prabhupada's disciples. Sridhara Maharaja did the same thing, yet Srila Prabhupada totally disapproves of this process. In fact many of the "new" names are so far removed from the originals -- know one even knows anymore who these people ever were under Srila Prabhupada. At least Tripurari had the sense to demand that his name not be changed. Narayana Maharaja is doing what the other Gaudiya Matha deviants have been doing all along, trying to siphon off Srila Prabhupada's followers and "re-initiate" them. This is simply another example of how Narayana Maharaja is part of the pack of Gaudiya Matha deviants.
Sorry to have to report this to Narayana Maharaja, but Srila Prabhupada IS the founder of ISKCON, and he himself uses the title of the "founder acharya of ISKCON." "ISKCON" is sometimes categorized by Srila Prabhupada as a branch of the Chaitanya tree, and Srila Prabhupada SAYS he is "the founder acharya" of this particular branch known as ISKCON. Narayana Maharaja has no authority to change the process and nomenclatures given by the acharya. We also find that other parampara gurus are credited with various accomplishments, such as founding their particular missions. And Srila Prabhupada duly credits the other acharyas with their individual accomplishments.
Yet, as far as Srila Prabhupada is concerned -- he is definitely "the founder acharya" of ISKCON, just as Srila Sarasvati is credited with being the "founder acharya" of the Gaudiya Matha. Each acharya can be credited for his particular accomplishments, why does Narayana Maharaja not understand the process? Srila Prabhupada thus says, my guru maharaja (Srila Saraswati) founded the Gaudiya Matha mission. He does not say, Lord Brahma founded the Gaudiya Matha mission? According to Narayana Maharaja, Krishna is the founder of everything, so why give credit to His devotees like Arjuna? No, Krishna HIMSELF gives credit to His devotees for their particular accomplishments.
Srila Prabhupada furthermore says that while he was busy establishing his ISKCON movement, his God brothers were "not preaching, but simply ringing the bell in the temple" and as such they were essentially "asara" -- useless, and worse, many of them were "envious" of his attempts. Srila Prabhupada is thus the whole and sole reason that ISKCON exists at all, and that the Holy Name of Krishna has appeared in the Western world. He did the job. Nobody else did! Then again, in 1997 even the lowly PADA editor brought forward "the poison issue" to Narayana Maharaja's attention and he angrily slammed us for doing that service and for our CITING of SRILA PRABHUPADA in this regard. Later on, he was forced to accept the issue due to our presentation of substantial evidence, yet he never publicly "credits" us with helping him understand the issue. In short, we are the ones who helped him figure this out, and yet he does not ever credit us either. To sum, it seems NM does not want to "give credit" to anyone, he is the exclusive most important "king of the hill."]
** [Srila Prabhupada: "But actually the original father of this movement is Lord Krsna Himself, since it was started a very long time ago, but is coming down to human society by disciplic succession. If I have any credit in this connection, it does not belong to me personally, but it is due to my eternal spiritual master, His Divine Grace Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada."]
PADA: Fine, this is wonderful but does not change the fact that -- each particular acharya is still being given credit for his own particular preaching actions, such as establishing the Gaudiya Matha or ISKCON. Moreover Srila Prabhupada says that the ENTIRE basis for his ISKCON movement is his Bhagavad Gita, and yet Narayana Maharaja slams and criticizes Srila Prabhupada's Gita process as "only" giving partial information and not the real "rasika" information. Then again, Narayana Maharaja wrote his own entire version of the Gita, trying to make a superior commentary to Srila Prabhupada's (just like Kirtanananda has done). In any case NM says he is doing the higher work after Srila Prabhupada did the initial rough cleaning work.
Srila Prabhupada says: there is no need for a disciple to re-write a book ALREADY written by his acharya, and thus to do so is an insult. Jadurani says that Narayana Maharaja is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, so if this is the true, why is "a disciple" writing another version of a book ALREADY written by his own guru? Srila Prabhupada says it is a great offense to write another commentary over your guru's. Narayana Maharaja is thus re-writing apparently like Kirtanananda, he also needs to write "another commentary," so they are establishing the wrong attitude towards the acharya.]
** [SRILA PRABHUPADA: We follow the same principle because we belong to the Brahma sampradaya, directly in the disciplic chain from Brahma to Narada, from Narada to Vyasa, from Vyasa to Madhva Muni, from Madhva Muni to Madhavendra Puri, from Madhavendra Puri to Isvara Puri, from Isvara Puri to Lord Caitanya and gradually to His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, our divine master."]
[PADA: Good! Why then does Narayana Maharaja cite that "there is nothing wrong" with his "worship of homosexuals as acharyas" project, linking and juxtaposing homosexuals and other deviants with "gurus," and the ABOVE mentioned guru parampara, and Krishna's successors? Why does not Narayana Maharaja teach us that it is VERY wrong to juxtapose material contamination with our parampara?]
** [COMPILATION 2: Narayana Maharaja 28th April 1999, morning, Caracas: "Also you should know that Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the founder of ISKCON. Swamiji, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja is one of the prominent acaryas in this line only. He is not founder; he's one of the prominent acaryas, who spread all these things [over] whole world, in a very short time.]
[PADA: Sorry, there is no excuse to ignore listing Srila Prabhupada as "the founder acharya of the ISKCON institution." He is the one who went to New York City, he is the one who forwarded the message of Lord Chaitanya, and he is the one who duly registered the name of ISKCON as his society. ISKCON is his official institution, and its founder is, and always will be, Srila Prabhupada. Arjuna also performed his particular service as one of our acharyas, he helped create the Bhagavad Gita. So he too is listed as an acharya who is credited with helping create our Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna is credited for that and not Lord Brahma or anyone else because -- he did the job. Arjuna is given credit for that service, and credit has to be given where credit is due, and no doubt Lord Brahma praises Arjuna for his service! The acharyas are glad to give credit to each other!]
JD: Thus, to be a prominent acarya in this line is the greatest glory.
[PADA: Straw man agument. This is not the question being debated, the question is not "who is in the line." The question is, "Who founded the contemporary ISKCON institution." And it is without a doubt Srila Prabhupada, plain and simple. Madhvacharya is similarly credited with being "the founder" of the Dvaita (dualism) school of siddhanta. No other acharyas would EVER dare try to steal that title, rather they ALL credit Madhvacarya, and thus the other acharyas glorify Madva as "the founder acharya" of that siddhanta. Each particular acharya is credited for his own various accomplishments. Just as Arjuna is the acharya of our current Bhagavat Gita, that is his particular participation and seva in our parampara. Yet, all of us neophyte disciples are told in any case to worship the last link, and so for us, that is Srila Prabhupada.]
** [COMPILATION 3: Narayana Maharaja Murwillumbah, Australia: Feb. 18, 2002 (eve): "Your Prabhupada, Srila Swami Maharaja, only changed the name into English. He is not the founder-acarya of that eternal ISKCON ... I am ISKCON. I'm not different from ISKCON. I am 'Bhaktivedanta' [Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja].
PADA: Yet Narayana Maharaja is always friends with the Gaudiya Matha deviants who harassed, criticized and even threatened Srila Prabhupada with violence for his using the titles of "Bhaktivedanta and Prabhupada." In 1980 Jadurani was foremost in distributing Srila Prabhupada's quotes about: avoiding the Gaudiya Matha; Appointed and zonal gurus being certified by the Gaudiya Matha's Sridhara Maharaja (and Narayana Maharaja); Sridhara's talking about rasika with neophytes (as did Narayana Maharaja), and so on, she seems to forgot all those quotes? NOTICE, the bogus Gaudiya Matha's influence above -- Narayana Maharaja STILL refers to Srila Prabhupada as "swami maharaja." Narayana Maharaja has allegedly been associated with the most envious of the God brothers that Jadurani was warning us about in 1980, and for sure NM glorifies those deviants as his acharya / messiahs as he did in 1990.
These deviants still refuse to give Srila Prabhupada his proper title. Hence Srila Prabhupada says, that is because they are envious. And now we see that Narayana Maharaja is furthermore envious of Srila Prabhupada's additional title: "founder acharya of ISKCON." Each acharya is credited for his contribution. Now Srila Prabhupada is only "swami maharaja," he is not even "Bhaktivedanta" or "Srila Prabhupada," he is not even "the founder acharya," he is not even "ISKCON." NOTICE! Now all of a sudden NM is emerging as "the real successor, the Bhaktivedanta, the acharya, the rasika guru, the senior to Srila Prabhupada, the actual ISKCON," etc.]
[NM: "Like father, like son. I am the real successor of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, and there is no other. You should know this very openly. I am Bhaktivedanta and he is Bhaktivedanta, but he received this name after I did. I'm senior to him in this regard ... I'm Bhaktivedanta, and I'm also ISKCON. Don't think that I'm out of ISKCON."]
[PADA: Great, now Narayana Maharaja is "the father" of both Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON? Moreover he thinks "I'm senior to him" -- and Srila Prabhupada is the lesser, the son. And yet Narayana Maharaja said in 1990 that the Gaudiya Matha's Sridhara, Madhava, and Tirtha maharajas are all acharyas -- just like Srila Sarasawati and Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada says the opposite, these three deviated and "amongst my God brothers NO ONE is qualified to be acharya."
Narayana Maharaja says that the three deviants NAMED by Srila Prabhupada are his idea of acharyas and EQUALS to Srila Prabhupada. NM insults Srila Prabhupada as being one and the same with NAMED deviants. And NM also defended the bogus GBC's guru program as "guru successors." Meanwhile NOTICE: At other times Narayana Maharaja contradicts himself and says, "I am not ISKCON, I am Gaudiya Matha." As some say, he just says whatever will "fool the foolish" at that moment in time .... Notice that NM equates deviants with Srila Prabhupada, and then says he is "glorifying" Srila Prabhupada. Later we find that Narayana Maharaja admits he has been juxtaposing and equating "monkey-like neophytes" -- with Srila Prabhupada.]
PADA: Great admission from NM! The first thing NM did was to declare that the "monkey" class are Vishnupada's and acharyas, not minor league ritviks. In sum NM refused to help us. Instead, he simply associated with his bogus "monkey class" and declared that his pet monkeys are the next messiahs, and he supported his monkey messiahs as "Vishnupada's acharyas." As such, NM is the leading apologist for the "the enforced cult ritualistic worship of homosexual pedophile guru's regime," as he vociferously backed the worship of deviants even when thousands of children were getting molested. NM admits, he openly mixes "monkeys" (i.e. illicit sex and drugs) with "Krishna's pure devotees, Krishna's feet etc.", very offensive says shastra!
And NM said that anyone who objects to his monkey's and pedophile's worship proqram is "posion" because he is tying to get us dissenters killed. And he did get some of us kiled, and the result was thousands of kids were molested thanks to his handiwork of supporting his "monkey business" -- pedophile worship. "Monkeys are Vishnupada gurus'," just see the ignorance of this NM fellow. The good news is that Jadurani now admits that NM and her program is "supporting monkeys -- to be worshiped as good as -- Vishnu and Srila Prabhupada."
NM is the number one promoter of Monkey acharyas, according to NM himself! Great admission here, NM loves to put monkeys into the seat of Srila Prabhupada and ON KRISHNA'S ALTARS, he is happy to see photos of monkeys on the altars, that is his way of worship of the guru, put monkeys in the guru's seat of "the sum total of the demigods." This is why Sulochana used to say that NM is placing a bucket of stools on Krishna's altars, and now NM admits: he is pretty much doing that! Thanks Jadurani, yes you are correct, NM is the monkey's worship "founder acharya."]
** [COMPILATION 10: NM: Don't think that I am teaching anything other than what your Srila Prabhupada wanted and wrote. His voice has been recorded on his last day. He ordered me, 'Help my disciples.']
[PADA: NM openly admits, he made monkeys, homosexuals and molesters into: Vishnupada acharyas. He admits he drove ISKCON off a cliff by forcing it to worship monkeys as Krishna's pure successors! He was told clearly "they are only monkeys," then he declared the monkeys are "rasika acharyas." NM is de facto admitting that he openly, and apparently intentionally, ruined ISKCON and the lives of thousands of its children by his promoting of monkey gurus. The good news is that now we know who is responsible for promoting monkeys as messiahs, by his own admission!]
[NM: For this reason he spoke so many things in Bengali. He told me, 'I brought them, but I could not teach them in full.' If he had told them everything, and if they were so knowledgeable and expert, why have so many of the senior devotees, even those in the renounced order, fallen down? Where are they now?]
[PADA: Good, Srila Prabhupada told NM they are falling, they are not fit for sannyasa, they are monkeys. And now NM admits he is so foolish he made the falling down, unfit, and the monkeys into gurus? And in Bengali Srila Prabhupada also says he is being poisoned, but as soon as we mentioned that to Narayana Maharaja, he was ONCE AGAIN very angry that we were attacking his best pal: homosexual guru lover Tamal. NM felt no sympathy for Srila Prabhupada's poison complaint, and no wonder, he was licking the boots of the poison sabha every day for 15 years.]
** [COMPILATION 12: Satsvarupa Goswami: "In the ultimate issue, however, what matters is not so much what Srila Prabhupada may or may not have said to Srila Narayana Maharaja, but what Srila Prabhupada said to us, his disciples. And there is no record of him ever instructing the members of ISKCON to take direction from Srila Narayana Maharaja, other than to seek his advice concerning the details of performing Srila Prabhupada's samadhi ceremony."]
[PADA: Actually this is good, Srila Prabhupada said we should not consult with the Gaudiya Matha. Correct.]
[REFUTATION 12: Prabhupada himself states, "They never thought, 'Why Guru Maharaja gave us instruction so many things, why he did not say that this man should be acarya?' They wanted to create artificially somebody acarya and everything failed. They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja wanted to appoint somebody as acarya, why did he not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed?" So Prabhupada himself was not announced or externally appointed. He manifested as a self-effulgent acarya, and those who were sincere recognized him. That is the system since time immemorial.]
[PADA: And Narayana Maharaja says "there was nothing wrong" when they made a false "appointed" acharya, he further says Sridhara is bona fide and he made false acharyas, in sum NM supports the deviation of appointed gurus. "No common sense," goody!]
** [COMPILATION 13: Hrdayananda Maharaja, letter Thursday, 7 December 2000: "Narayana Maharaja states that he is the 'first' or maybe the 'true' disciple of Srila Prabhupada etc. Actually I have personally served Srila Prabhupada for so many years as a GBC member and he has never mentioned Narayana Maharaja, nor was Narayana Maharaja engaged in any significant service to Srila Prabhupada's Mission. Srila Prabhupada never told in any book, article interview or any other documented statements, that Narayana Maharaja should become the siksa guru of ISKCON."]
PADA: Hrdayananda finally realized that by his bringing Narayana Maharaja into ISKCON, this was causing major problems. Hrdayananda never admits that it was him and Tamal who introduced NM to ISKCON.]
** [JD: From 1990-1995, several ISKCON gurus regularly visited Srila Maharaja and inquired from him about proper Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy and the Lord's qualities and pastimes, and Srila Maharaja was satisfied to help the members of ISKCON in their understanding. As the problems in ISKCON still further increased, many ISKCON devotees who were disciples of Prabhupada's disciples but had lost faith in their gurus, being inspired by Srila Maharaja, begged him for bona fide Vaisnava initiation.]
[PADA: And yet is is NM who created the whole false guru problem because, as he says himself, he made "monkeys" into gurus. He has no authority to make monkeys into gurus? The guru is the successor to Krishna, now NM says that monkeys are Krishna's "shaksat" successors!]
[JD: Srila Maharaja told them he would be their siksa guru and he encouraged them to continue in ISKCON. Also, many devotees who were not yet initiated begged him for initiation, but he refused them. However, in 1995, when ISKCON leaders banned him from their temple properties, and forbade the devotees under their charge from seeing this pure devotee, Srila Maharaja felt bound to travel around the world - to preach and help devotees be re-inspired in their enthusiasm and spiritual practices, like chanting rounds and Gayatri mantra and giving up sinful activities. He gave them all shelter and began initiating, initiating to continue the disciplic line from Prabhupada. He also became the beloved siksa-guru of many hundreds of Prabhupada's direct disciples, giving them a new life after their feeling dried up and hopeless since Prabhupada's departure.]
[PADA: He made a chaos out of ISKCON by creating what he now says are monkey gurus, and then he exploited the chaos he created. The robber starts the court house on fire, and while everyone goes to put that out, the robber takes advantage of the chaos and robs the bank.]
[JD: For example, some of the members of the GBC might have believed that Prabhupada was making them his spiritual successors when they helped him in formulating his last will, but it was not his last will regarding spiritual matters. After Prabhupada's disappearance from our vision in November of 1977, all the devotees and congregation members of ISKCON were told that Prabhupada had written a last will, making the GBC the ultimate managerial authorities and the ultimate executors in managing all the affairs of ISKCON. But the will was only a legal document regarding properties. The following is an excerpt of a conversation that took place on June 2, 1977, so that you can have more information. It was not a will of successorship or controlling the lives of devotees at all.
Prabhupada: Instead of trustees...
Tamala Krsna: Use a different word.
Prabhupada: Ah!
Ramesvara: Not to apply to a trust.
Giriraja: Oh, I see.
Ramesvara: It's a different word.
Prabhupada: Supreme managers.
Gopala Krsna: Supreme managers. (laughter)
Prabhupada: Or the ultimate managers, like that.
Gopala Krsna: The ultimate executives?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, the executors.
Gopala Krsna: Ultimate executors.
Tamala Krsna: Or commissioners. You have...
Prabhupada: Hm. Yes, commissioners.
Tamala Krsna: Commissioner is good, 'cause it's already...
Prabhupada: Use such word.
Tamala Krsna: Use a word that's proper.
Giriraja: Okay.
Tamala Krsna: For now just use one word.
Giriraja: "2) Each temple will be a trust property..."
Prabhupada: Again "trust" word.
Gopala Krsna: Again "ISKCON property."
Giriraja: Okay, we can change that wording.
Prabhupada: Hm.
[PADA: Good, they are trustees, like in a prison there are "trustees," that means they are not gurus!]
COMPILATION 14: Narayana Maharaja Los Angeles, California - May 31, 2000: "Never. Srila Swami Maharaja has not instructed like this. Has he said that we should go to the atheists' university? ... Has Srila Swami Maharaja told anywhere that you should go to this bad university or that bad university? What will be the result? Narayana Maharaja December 3, 2001 India: "So many of those who claim to be disciples of Prabhupada neither have faith in him nor in nama-bhajana. Rather, they have faith in universities and mayavada professors. Did Prabhupada tell anyone to learn from mayavadi professors? How can we accept them as ISKCON devotees? They have no faith in ISKCON and ISKCON principles."
REFUTATION 14: There are over 500 quotes from Prabhupada's folio like the ones mentioned below. In these sample quotes, Prabhupada confirms Srila Maharaja's statements about the degrading influence of mundane university association.
[PADA: Correct, Narayana Maharaja knew that Tamal and Hrdayananda were "going to college" and yet he still supported them as gurus, and he said we were bogus for protesting their college education program. Now he admits he created an atmosphere of atheism in ISKCON, and NM is responsible because he supported the "college gurus."]
REFUTATION 15: The compilation is trying to say that Prabhupada authorized certain ISKCON gurus to attend university and get a PHD. This letter is not evidence that a real sannyasi or acarya will attend any other university than the university of Haridasa Thakura. This letter simply encourages a brand new aspiring devotee, who was already in a university, to become a devotee.
[PADA: Correct, so Narayana Maharaja supported bogus college gurus as being bona fide.]
** [Narayana Maharaja Sri Vraja-Mandala Parikrama, p.46: "So you can see that the mood of vipralambha is much more complex than possibly the way you envisioned it to be before. And those who still persist in advocating that vipralambha is the highest, they do not yet have the spiritual maturity and understanding to realize that it is not possible for anything to be more elevated than Srimati Radharani and Krishna's ecstatic loving exchanges in reuniting again."]
[PADA: Great, when Narayana Maharaja's bogus gopis were "engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children" he was preaching to them about these rasika topics, which prompted BV Puri to say that NM is simply a sahajiya.]
REFUTATION 18: There is no contradiction between the statements of Srila Maharaja and those of Srila Prabhupada.
PADA: Wrong! NM says so many things that contradict the acharyas, for example that there is no Kalki avatar, that there is no such thing as priests, that the soul originates in brahman, he says so many things that contradict the acharyas!]
** [Prabhupada continues: But now, these sahajiyas, they are going on in the name of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: aula, baula, kartta-bhaja, neda, daravesa, sani sahajiya, sakhibheki, like that, so many. They are apa-sampradaya.]
[PADA: How did you guess, many of these sahajiya missions claim you need their "living gurus," who are often debauchees, just as Narayana Maharaja says there is nothing wrong when debauchees pose as acharyas.]
** ["The group known as Gaura-nagarai, who are actually oblivious to Lord Krsna, make a licentious display of sambhoga-rasa. Due to their negligence of Lord Krsna, they simply create obstacles to the development of aprakrta-rasa. Those who aspire for sambhoga always endeavor for the selfish satisfaction of their own senses. Therefore, they are devoid of krsna-bhakti.]
[PADA: Good, and it is Narayana Maharaja who is a leader of this idea. He has promoted "licentuous debauchees" as gurus.]
** [We are ending now because have limited time and space. Every allegation made by Urmilla's paper has a satisfying refutation. Her claims are in every case poorly researched and misleading. We will respond with more answers soon, and if in the meantime anyone has any questions write us at.]
[PADA: Great, now the GBC has deputed a poor woman, Urmila dasi, to combat their own rasika guru program.] Thanks pd
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