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De Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura

(Este é um resumo de um discurso da importancia do mês de Purushottama, por Sua Divina Graça Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, Presidente-Acharya da Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math e fundador da GOKUL.)

De acordo com nosso almanaque, a cada tres anos, um mês é adicionado. Isto é feito para harmonizar o mês lunar (Chandra-maas) com o mês solar (Soar-Maas). O mês inserido é conhecido como 'Purusottama', e é tecnicamente chamado um 'mês intercalar'. Este ano o mês Purushottama será seguido de 15 de abril a 14 de maio. Purushottam é o mês mais agradável para bhakti-sadhan. Mesmo as aparadhas podem ser perdoadas se nós fizermos práticas devocionais neste mês. O Adhishthata deste que é o mais sagrado de todos os meses é o próprio Bhagwan Sri Purushottam (Sri Krishna). Portanto, de todos os meses, este mês é o mais favorito do Supremo Senhor Sri Krishna. O sadhana realizado nesse mês terá muitos resultados.
No fundo tudo tem uma consciencia, como pelas nossas escrituras, o exemplo é dado do sol que é regido pelo Deus do Sol, a lua que é regida pelo Deus da Lua e Srimati Ganga Devi, que é a deidade regendo o rio Ganges – portanto, de forma similar, esse mês de Purushottam tem uma deidade regente.

Estando deprimido devido a sua existencia sem sentido, a deidade personifcada desse mês se aproximou do Senhor Narayana. Este incidente é descrito nas escrituras. Ela foi a Narayana, perguntando, 'Que ofensa eu cometi? Ninguém está realizando quaisquer atividades piedosas durante meu periodo. Porque?' O Senhor Narayana direcionou ela ao Senhor Krsna: 'Venha comigo, eu levarei você ao Senhor Krsna.' Ao ser abordado por ela, o Senhor Krsna respondeu: 'Eu sou Purusottama e eu não posso ser compreendido pelos seres finitos deste mundo. Eles não podem me compreender pela sua compreenção mental e os orgãos dos sentidos pois eu estou além desses meios.
Krsna explicou: “Você é identico a Mim. Você é o mês mais santo. Se alguém segue vrata (voto de austeridade) durante este periodo, ele pode ter tudo. Se ele segue pelas injunções escriturais, então é ainda mais auspicioso que Kartik-vrata, o mês mais sagrado. Portanto você será conhecido pelo nome “Purusottama" .'
O Senhor do Universo - Sri Jagannath Dev também é conhecido como Purushottam. Puri é conhecido como Purushottam Dhama. Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu costumava cantar Sri Jagannath-ashtakam, oito versos das glórias de Jagannatha em Puri. Portanto, nós podemos recitar esse mesmo Sri Jagannath-ashtakam nesse Purushottam Maas.

Nós devemos ler as glórias de Purushottama- Vrata, dos escritos de Sri Bhakr ti Vinode Thakur, pela manhã; diariamente recitar 'Sri Jagannathastakam' e 'Chauragraganya Purusashtakamas' a tarde e executar Japam silenciosa do sloka intruido por Kaundinya Muni:

Goverdhana-Dharam Vande Gopalam Goparupinam,
Gokulotsavameeshaan am Govindam Gopikapriyam.

Então na noite - Deep-dan (oferecer uma lamparina de ghee puro) diante do Vishnu-Mandir (um templo do Senhor Vishnu, Krishna ou Rama ou qualquer do Dasavtara). Por último, a noite ler 'Brahmastava' 40 slokas, do Srimad Bhagwattam, Capítulo 14, Canto 10.

vande navaghana-syam dvibhujam murlidharampitambardharam devam saradham purusottamam

"Eu ofereço minhas reverencias a Navaganasyam (Krsna, que possui a cor de nuvem fresca de chuva), que está segurando a flauta com Suas duas mãos. Eu adoro Purusottama que é tão belo em Sua veste amarela (pitambhara).”

Os devotos se concentram em adorar o Senhor Supremo por ouvir, cantar e se lembrar do nome, forma, passatempos, e qualidade de Sri Krsna dia e noite somente para o beneficio espiritual. Raciocinando corretamente que qualquer tendencia para beneficio material certamente irá desviar suas mentes, eles seguem esse vrata ouvindo sobre Krsna, cantando o Maha Mantra e tomando prasadam. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura recomenda seguir esse caminho.

Enviado por Rasaviharidas,
Secretário, GOKUL (India).
rasaviharidas@ yahoo.in

Tradução: Ramananda Das



Os arya-sastras Védicos são divididos em suas sessões-smarta (literatura baseada no smrti) e paramartha (literatura transcendental baseada no sruti). Aqueles que são elegíveis  (adhikari) para a sessão smarta não tem qualquer inclinação ou gosto para os paramartha-sastras. Os pensamentos, princípios, atividades e metas da vida de cada ser humano é constituída de acordo com seu respectivo ruci (inclinação). Geralmente, os smartas aceitam aquelas escrituras que estão de acordo com seu respectivo ruci. Tendo importante adhikara por smarta-sastra, eles não podem demonstrar muita consideração para paramartha-sastra. A providência é o representante por trás da criação destas duas divisões. Por conseguinte, indubitavelmente o mantenedor do mundo deve ter um oculto significado em ter feito um plano.

Até onde eu entendo, o significado é que todas as jivas seqüencialmente fazem progresso em seu nível de consciência para permanecerem fixas em seus respectivos adhikaras. Ao desviar-se de seu adhikara, caem. De acordo com suas atividades, alcançam-se dois tipos de adhikara – karma-adhikara e bhakti-adhikara.


Contanto que alguém mantenha seu karmadhikara, ele deriva benefícios do caminho mostrado pela sessão smarta. Quando ele entra  em bhakti adhikara, por transgredir o karmadhikara, então ela desenvolve um natural ruci (inclinação) para a paramartha, ou caminho transcendental. Por conseguinte, a providência fez estas duas divisões de sastra: smarta e paramartha.



O smarta sastra tem feito vários tipos de regras e regulações a fim de auxiliar alguém a alcançar nistha, constância em karmadhikara. Em muitos exemplos, isto mesmo demonstra indiferença em direção a paramartha sastra para fazer as pessoas alcançarem específica nistha em tais regras e regulações. Na realidade, embora o sastra seja um, ele se manifesta de duas maneiras pelas pessoas. Se a jiva deixa a adhikara-nistha, ela jamais pode alcançar auspiciosidades. Por esta razão, os sastras foram divididos em dois: smarta e paramartha.



Por dividir o ano inteiro em doze partes, os smarta-sastras têm averiguado as auspiciosidades, ou atividades religiosas para estes doze meses. Todo o karma, atividades religiosas que são parte do sistema varnasrama quando dividido para os doze meses, deixam o mês extra (adhimasa) destituído de qualquer atividade. Não há realização religiosa em adhimasa. A fim de manter os meses solares e lunares ajustadamente, um mês é excluído a cada 32 meses. O nome deste mês é adhimasa (mês extra) (2). Os smartas têm descartado este mês extra, considerando-o abominável. Eles dão a ele os nomes como mala masa (mês impuro), cora masa (mês ladrão), e assim por diante.



Por outro lado, o mais adorável paramartha-sastra aclamado adhimasa como o mais excelente mês para atividades transcendentais. Desde que a vida neste mundo é temporária, não é apropriado perder alguma parte de sua vida inutilmente. É imperativo para a jiva permanecer continuamente ocupada em hari-bhajana. Este é de fato o profundo significado de paramartha-sastras. Mesmo embora os karmis percebam este mês ser destituído de todas as atividades auspiciosas, para a libertação de todas as jivas, por outro lado, paramartha sastra, tem averiguado este período como o mais condutivo para hari-bhajana. O paramartha-sastra diz: "He jiva! Durante este adhimasa por que você deveria permanecer preguiçosa em hari-bhajana? Ele é mesmo superior ao grandioso mês piedoso de Karttika, Magha e Vaisakha. Neste mês, você deveria realizar arcana de Sri Sri Radha-Krsna com especial regras, ou humores, para bhajana. Você deveria assim alcançar todos os tipos de perfeições."


As glórias de adhimasa são mencionadas nos trinta e um primeiro capítulos de Navadvipa Purana. O adhimasa considerado o supremo dos doze meses e viu que ele era desprezado. Ele foi para Vaikuntha e relatou seu dilema para Sri Narayana. Além da compaixão, Vaikuntha-pati pegou Adhimasa com Ele e apareceu diante de Sri Krsna em Goloka. Após ouvir sobre as aflições de malasa (o mês impuro), o coração de Sri Krsna se derreteu e Ele falou deste modo:

aham etair yatha loke prathitah purusottamah
tatthayam api lokesu prathitah purusottamah

asmai samarpitah sarve ye gunamayi samsthitah
mat-sadrsyam-upagamya masanamadhipo bhavet

jagat-pujyo jagat-vandyo maso ýam tu bhavisyati
sarve masah sakamas ca niskamo ýam maya krtah

akamah sarvakamo va yo `dhimasam prapujayet
karmani bhasmasat krtva mam evaisyaty asamsayam

kadacin-mama bhaktanamaparadheti ganyate
purusottama-bhaktanam naparadhah kadacana

ya etasmin-maha mudha japa-danadi-varjitah
sat-karma-snana-rahita deva-tirtha-dvija-dvisah

jayante durbhaga dustah para-bhagyopajivanah
na kadacit sukham tesam svapne `pi sasa-srngavat

yenahamarcito bhaktya mase `smin purusottame
dhana-putra-sukham bhunktva pascad-goloka-vasabhak

"Ei Ramapati! Do mesmo modo como eu sou celebrado neste mundo pelo nome Purusottama, similarmente este adhimasa, também, irá ser renomado no mundo pelo nome Purusottama. Agora, ofereço todas as minhas qualidades para este mês. Tornando-se como a Mim, de hoje em diante, este Adhimasa é o monarca de todos os meses, e é o mais adorável e mais venerado neste mundo. Todos os outros meses são sakama, que é, eles concedem desejos mundanos. Este mês contudo, é niskarma. Aqueles que adoram este mês, qualquer um que sem qualquer desejo (akama) ou com todos os tipos de desejos, irá ter todos os seus karmas queimados. Então, eles irão me alcançar. Meus bhaktas as vezes cometem ofensas, mas neste mês de Purusottama, eles serão protegidos de cometer quaisquer ofensas. Neste mês adhimasa todas aquelas pessoas tolas que negligenciam a realização de atividades auspiciosas, tais como japa, fazer doações, visitar e banhar-se em lugares sagrados, e que são invejosas dos dvijas (brahmanas) são julgadas perversas, desafortunadas e vivem a custa dos outros. Deste modo elas não irão alcançar um resquício de felicidade, mesmo em seus sonhos. Reciprocamente, aqueles que são cheios de bhakti irão pegar vantagem deste mês de Purusottama por realizar arcana para Mim. Após desfrutar de felicidades materiais, tal como prosperidade, filhos e assim por diante, eles irão eventualmente residir em Goloka.


Muitos episódios dos Puranas são narrados no contexto das glórias do mês de Purusottama. Um destes exemplos é Draupadi. Em sua vida anterior, ela tinha sido filha de Medha Rsi. Mesmo após ouvir as glórias do mês de Purusottama de Durvasa Rsi, ela negligenciou observar este mês. Como resultado ela logrou muitos sofrimentos nesta vida e tornou-se a esposa de cinco maridos em seu nascimento como Draupadi. Durante seu exílio, os Pandavas seguiram as instruções de Sri Krsna para observar purusottama-masa-vrata e deste podo ultrapassaram todos os sofrimentos. Como é dito:

evam sarvesu tirthesu bhramantah pandunandanah
purusottama-masadya-vratam cerur vidhanatah
tadante rajyam atulam vapur gata-kantakam
purne caturdase varse sri krsna-krpaya mune

"Ei muni! Durante o período do seu exílio, os Pandavas viajaram através de todos os lugares sagrados, e pela misericórdia de Sri Krsna eles observaram Sri Purusottama vrata com todas as regras e regulações, como resultado disto eles completaram seus quatorze anos de exílio sem qualquer obstáculo e no fim alcançaram um reino inigualável."


Purusottama-masa é glorificado em consideração da vida anterior do Rei Drdhadhanva. Em Badarikasrama, Narada ouviu o procedimento do vrata de Narayana Rsi,o qual Valmiki Muni então relatou para o rei Drdhdhanva em resposta as perguntas do rei. Deste modo como as regras de ahanika (mantra gayatri) para brahmanas são averiguadas em dharma-sastras, similarmente, as atividades obrigatórias para alguém observar Purusottama também são delineadas, começando na hora do Brahma-muhurta.


Com relação às regras para banhar-se durante o mês de Purusottama, édito:

samudraga nadi-snanam uttamam parikirtitam vadi-kupa-tadagesu
madhyamam kathitam budhaih grhe snanam tu samanyam grhasthasya

"Há três tipos de banhos como declarados pelos sábios. Banho nos rios que se encontram com o oceano é o melhor. Banho em lagos, tanques e poços são os melhores em segundo lugar, e banho em sua própria casa é comum."

Para alguém que esteja observando o vrata de Sri Purusottama, após tomar banho deveria observar o que segue:

sapavitrena hastena kuryad acamana-kriyam
acamya tilakam kuryad-gopi-candana-mrt-snaya
urddhvapundra mrjum saumyam dandakaram prakalpayet
sankha-cakradikam dharyam gopi-candana-mrtsnaya


"Após banhar-se deveria realizar acamana com as mãos limpas. Deveria então, passar pasta de barro de gopicandana e usar simples, bela e reta tilaka urddhapundra em sua testa, e as marcas de concha, disco e assim por diante, sobre seu corpo."



A adoração a Sri Krsna é atividade obrigatória no mês de Purusottama.

purusottama-masasya daivatam purusottamah
tasmat sampujayet bhaktya sraddhaya purusottamam


Valmiki disse, "Ei Drdhadhanva! Purusottama Sri Krsna é a deidade que preside o mês de Purusottama. Por esta razão, estando preenchido com bhakti-sraddha, você deveria adorar Purusottama Sri Krsna com dezesseis tipos de parafernália todos os dias deste mês. Como é dito:

sodasopacarais ca pujayet purusottam


"A adoração do casal divino Sri Sri Radha-Krsna é de fato obrigatória no mês de Purusottama."

agaccha deva devesa sri krsna purusottama
radhaya sahitas catra grhana pujanam mama



Todas as regras e regulações relacionadas a Sri Purusottama vrata, apresentadas acima nestes sastras, devem ser seguidas religiosamente por pessoas devotadas de todos os varnas (castas). O Naradiya Purana conclui dizendo que no lugar sagrado de naimisaranya, Sri Suta Gosvami falou para a assembléia de devotos como segue:

bharate janurasadya purusottam-uttamam
na sevante na srnvanti grhasakta naradhamah
gatagatam bhajante `tra durbhaga janmajanmani
putra-mitra-kalatrapta-viyoga duhkha bhaginah
asmin mase dvija srestha nasacchastrany udaharet
na svapet para-sayayam nalapet vitaham kvacit
parapavadan na krayan na kathancit kadacana
parannanca na bhunjita na kunvita parakriyam

"Mesmo após tomar banho na Índia, aqueles que são os mais baixos na espécie humana atraem-se por vida familiar e jamais ouvem as glórias de Sri Purusottama vrata; nem eles o observam. Tais pessoas desafortunadas experimentam sofrimentos em repetidos nascimentos e mortes e as aflições infligidas pela separação de filhos, amigos, esposa e outros parentes."

"Ó melhor dos dvijas! Neste mês de Purusottama, não se deve discutir literatura mundana ou poesia mundana. Não se deve dormir na cama de outros, nem indulgir em discussões de gratificação dos sentidos mundanos. Não se deve criticar os outros, comer alimentos cozidos por outros, ou realizar atividades prescritas por outros."


vittasathyam akurvano danam dadhyad dvijataye
vidyamane dhane sathyam kurvano nauravam vrajet

dine dine dvijendraya dattva bhojanam-uttamam
divasasyastame bhage vrati bhojanam acaret

indradyumnah satadyumnah satadyumno yauvanasvo bhagirathah
purusottamam aradhya yayur bhagavadantikam

tasmat sarva prayatnena samsevya purusottamah
sarva sadhanatah sresthah sarvartha phala-dayakah

govardhana-dharam vande gopalam gopa-rupinam
gokulotsavam-isanam govindam gopika-priyam

kaundinyena pura proktam imam mantram punah punah
japan-masam nayed bhaktya purusottamam-apnuyat

dhyayen-navaghana-syamam dvibhujam muralidharam
lasat pita-patam ramyam sa-radham purusottamam

dhyayam dhyayam nayen-masam pujayan purusottamam
evam yah kurute svabhistham sarvam apnuyat

"Deixar a avareza, deve-se dar em caridade aos brahmanas, se uma pessoa permanece avarenta mesmo após ela ter riqueza, sua avareza irá ser a causa de sua ida para Raurava (um tipo de inferno). Todo dia deve-se alimentar os Vaisnavas e brahmanas com os melhores alimentos. Uma pessoa que está seguindo os votos deveria tomar seu alimento na oitava parte do dia. Indradyumna, Satadyuyamna, Yauvanasva e Bhagirata alcançaram samipya, íntima associação de Bhagavan por adorarem o mês de Purusottama. Deve-se realizar serviço para Purusottama com todos os seus esforços. Tal serviço a Purusottama é superior a todos os tipos de sadhana e satisfaz todas as variedades de desejos. Em uma era anterior, Kaundilya Muni repetidamente cantou o mantra `govardhana-dharam vande'. Por cantar este mantra com devoção durante o mês de Purusottama, alcança-se o próprio Purusottama. Deve-se dedicar no mês de Purusottama para constantemente meditar sobre nava-ghana dvibhuja muralidhara pitambara Sri Krsna com Sri Radha. Aqueles que fazem isto com devoção irão ter todas a apreciação de seus desejos satisfeitos."



Há três tipos de transcendentalistas: svanistha- aqueles que são fixos em seus votos pessoais; paranistha – aqueles que são fixos em seguir votos prescritos por seus respectivos acaryas; e nirapeksa-aqueles que são indiferentes aos dois tipos de constâncias." Todas as atividades mencionadas acima pelo mês de Purusottama são prescritas por seus respectivos acaryas. Nirapeksa bhaktas respeitam este mês sagrado por diariamente honrar bhagavat prasada com uma atenção peculiar, seguindo uma rotina para sravana e kirtana de sri harinama de acordo com sua capacidade.


A seguinte declaração do Visnu Rahasya, que é a mais elevada instrução do Hari-bhakti-vilasa, recomenda:

indriyarthesu-asaktanam sadaiva vimala matih
panitosayate visnum nopavaso jitatmanah


"Aqueles cuja inteligência tenha sido purificada por bhakti são desprendidos da inclinação por desfrute dos sentidos. A inteligência de tais pessoas é naturalmente pura; por esta razão; eles são jitatma, eles conquistaram suas mentes. E é por sua inata natureza de bhakti, antes do que por upavasa (jejum) e outras tais atividades, que eles tem purificado suas mentes e deste modo sãocapazes de satisfazer Sri Krsna em todos os momentos."


Por esta razão, Srila Sanatana Gosvami concluiu seu livro Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa por apresentar as seguintes declarações para devotos objetivos:

evam ekantinam prayah kirtanam smaranam prabhoh
kurvantam param-pritya krtyam-anyan na rocate
bhavena kenacit presthah sri murter-anghri sevane
syad iccyaisam svatentrena sva-rasanaiva tad-vidhih
vihitesv eva nityesu pravartante svayam hite
ityady ekantinam bhati mahatmyam likhitam hi tar

"Ekantika bhaktas (devotos com um foco) de Sri Krsna consideram sri-krsna-smarana e sri krsna kirtana serem as atividades de cumprimento mais valioso. Geralmente, elas não se ocupam em quaisquer outros angas de bhakti além destes dois, que eles cultivam com grande amor e afeição. Sua avidez por estes angas é tão forte que nenhuma outra atividade pode cativar seu gosto. Eles desenvolvem um intenso desejo por servir os pés de lótus de Sri Krsna em um específico humor. Por conseguinte, eles rendem serviço aos pés de lótus de Sri Krsna com humores que são favoráveis para sua própria rasa, junto com alguma independência (para dar as injunções que são desfavoráveis para seu cultivo). Isto somente é seu vidhi. Os ekantika-bhaktas não são limitados por seguir todas as regras e regulações que tem sido prescritas pelos rsis. Os humores inatos nos ekantika-bhaktas, disposição natural, permanecem geralmente proeminentes. Esta é a sua glória."


Os bhaktas observam o mês de Purusottama de acordo com o respectivo adhikara; isto significa de acordo com as distinções dos humores de svanistha, paranisthita e ekantika-bhaktas. Bhagavan  Vrajanatha Sri Krsna é o soberano deste mês; por esta razão, adhimasa é querido para todo o bhakta. Por isto é que incidentalmente, neste mês, não há distúrbio de karma-kanda obstruir a realização de sua bhakti.


(artigo traduzido da Sri Gaudiya Patrika 2/4, publicado e extraídoVda Revista Os Raios do Harmonista, Edição de Verão de 2001,

tradução e revisão: Govinda dasi

NOTA: Como o mês de Purusottama começa muito brevemente a revisão geral será enviada para o site www.sadhanatimes.com.br na próxima semana.

NOTA 2: Recebi uma nota de Syamarani dasi com relação a não interromper o voto de Caturmasya no mês de Purusottama, com o comentário de que havia um erro no Calendário Vaisnava


(This is a summary of a discourse on the significance of Purushottama-month, by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, President-Acharya of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math and founder of GOKUL.)

According to our almanac every three years, one month is added. This is done to harmonize the lunar month (Chandra-maas) with the solar month (Soar-Maas). The inserted month is known as 'Purusottama', and is technically called an 'intercalary month'.  This year Purushottama month is being observed from 15th April to 14th May.
Purushottam is the most congenial month for the bhakti-sadhan.  Even the aparadhas can be pardoned if we do devotional practice in this month.  The Adhishthata of this holiest of all months is Bhagwan  Sri Purushottam  (Sri Krishna) Himself. So, of all the months, this month is the most favourite of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. The sadhana performed in this month will have manifold result.
Everything has got consciousness in the background, as per our scriptures,  the example is given of the sun, which is presided over by the Sun god, the moon which is presided over by the Moon god and Srimati Ganga Devi, who is the presiding Deity of the river Ganga -- so similarly this Purushottam month has a presiding deity.

Being depressed due to her seemingly useless existence, the personified deity of this month approached Lord Narayana. This incident is described in the scriptures. She went to Narayana, asking, 'What offense did I commit? No one is performing any pious activities during my time. Why?' Lord Narayana directed her towards Lord Krsna: 'You come with Me, I shall take you to Lord Krsna.' Upon being approached by her, Lord Krsna responded: 'I am Purusottama and I can not be comprehended by finite beings of this world. They cannot comprehend Me by their mental comprehension and sense organs as I am beyond these means.
Krsna explained: 'This additional month is like Me. I cannot be comprehended by the conditioned souls of this world and I am supremely superior to Brahman and Paramatma so I am designated as "Purushottama." You are identical with Me. You are the holiest month. If anybody observes vrata (vow of austerity) during your time, he can get everything. If as by scriptural injunctions he observes it, it is even more auspicious than Kartik-vrata, the holiest month. So you will be known by the name "Purusottama".'

The Lord of the Universe - Sri Jagannath Dev is also known as Purushottam.  Puri is knowm as Purushottam Dhama.  Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to sing Sri Jagannath-ashtakam, eight verses of the glory of Jagannatha in Puri. So, we may recite the same Sri Jagannath-ashtakam in  this Purushottam Maas. 


We shall read the glories of Purushottama-Vrata, from the writings of Sri Bhakti Vinode Thakur, in the morning; daily recite 'Sri Jagannathastakam' and 'Chauragraganya Purusashtakamas' in the afternoon and perform silent Japam of sloka instructed by Kaundinya Muni:-

Goverdhana-Dharam Vande Gopalam Goparupinam,
Gokulotsavameeshaanam Govindam Gopikapriyam.

Then in the evening - Deep-dan (to offer a lamp of pure ghee) before Vishnu-Mandir (a temple of Lord Vishnu, Krishna or Rama or any of Dasavtara), Lastly, at night to read 'Brahmastava' 40 slokas, from Srimad Bhagwattam, Chapter 14th, Canto 10th.

vande navaghana-syam dvibhujam murlidharam
pitambardharam devam saradham purusottamam

"I offer my obeisances to Navaganasyam (Krsna, who has the color of a fresh rain cloud), who is holding the flute with His two hands. I worship Purusottama who is so beautiful in His yellow dress (pitambhara)."


Devotees  concentrate on worshipping the Supreme Lord by hearing, chanting and remembering the name, form, pastimes and qualities of Sri Krsna day and night for spiritual benefit only. Reasoning correctly that any tendency for material benefit will certainly divert their minds, they observe this vrata by hearing about Krsna, chanting the Maha Mantra and taking prasadam. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura recommends to follow this path.


Submitted by Rasaviharidas,
Secretary, GOKUL (India).




Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


Dear Harikatha Readers,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.
This leap-year, 2010, the auspicious Purusottama Month is from April 15th – May 15th. In this month we increase our worship and devotional practices such as hearing, chanting, remembering, mangala arati, tulasi worship, proper honoring of maha-prasadam, and so on. We fast from tomatoes, eggplant, sesame, mustard seeds and mustard oil, honey, and urad-dahl, just as in the month of Kartika, and we avoid criticizing others.
Every leap-year (every two years and eight months), this auspicious month appears before us at a different times of the year. During the course of this month, we will be sending out a couple of hari-katha lectures and reports, which were published and distributed in previous leap-years.
The following report and lecture excerpts of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja was first published in Rays Of The Harmonist, issue 9, 2001. Because April 14th is also the divine appearance day of Srila Gadadhara Pandita, the following report also contains Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja’s most magnificent glorification of Srila Gadadhara Pandita.
Unlike the news of the material world’s affairs, this news is ever-fresh and ever-new.

Sri Purusottama Vrata in Sri Jagannatha Puri
With Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

By Madhava Priya Brahmacari

On the beach in Jagannatha Puri

The last fifteen days of Sri Purusottama-vrata (vrata means “vow”) were observed in Sri Purusottama-dhama, Sri Jagannatha Puri. During these days, more than six hundred devotees assembled from different parts of India and from all over the world, despite worldwide terrorism problems. They were blessed with the fortune to hear profuse hari-katha, and to perform parikrama of Sri Jagannatha Puri and neighboring areas under the guidance of Srila Gurudeva, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

In his opening speech on the first day, Srila Gurudeva said, “This year we are very fortunate due to the observance of Purusottama-vrata as part of Caturmasya. We have got the fortune to partake in the most auspicious activities, the nine limbs of bhakti, in this most rare human life, under the guidance of exalted Vaisnavas in Sri Jagannatha Puri Dhama.”

Srila Gurudeva then requested Sripad Bhaktivedanta Madhusudana Maharaja to explain from the astrological point of view how Purusottama month appears after every 2 years and 8 months. Maharaja then explained that, according to Surya Siddhanta, one solar month is thirty days whereas one lunar month is of twenty-nine and a half days. This means that in one month there is a difference of half a day between the lunar month and solar month, and in twelve months, the difference is six days. Also, according to the solar calendar, twelve solar months is equal to 360 days. However, the earth completes its rotation around the sun in 365 days and 6 hours; thus there are five extra days. 6+5 days + 6 hrs=11 days + 6 hrs. extra in 1 solar year22 days + 12 hrs. extra in 2 solar years 30 days extra in 2 years 8 months 16 days and 4 hours of the solar calendar. Thus there is an extra month, a gap between the calculation by lunar month and solar month. In order to bring both months into equilibrium, one month would have to be subtracted in every two years, eight months, sixteen days and four hours.

Srila Gurudeva explained that the word Purusottama does not refer to Maha-Visnu or Vaikuntha-natha Narayana, or even to Krsna of Dvaraka or Mathura. Purusottama, the name of the presiding Deity of this month, refers to none other than Brajendranandana Syamasundara Himself, the istadeva of the Gaudiyas; He is Golokapati-Krsna. How did this extra month get the name Purusottama? Being belittled by twelve other months, the presiding deity of this extra month approached Brahmaji, who took him to Vaikunthanatha Narayana. Hearing the plight of the extra month, Narayana then took him to Golokapati Krsna, who bestowed all His qualities upon the extra month and became its presiding Deity.

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given a vivid description of this month in his article 'The glories of Sri Purusottama Month' published in the previous issue (No.8, Summer 2001) of the Rays of the Harmonist.

During our fifteen days' stay in Sri Jagannatha Puri, Srila Gurudeva spoke elaborately in his morning and evening classes on Sri Raya Ramananda samvada from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. Unveiling its many esoteric points and instructions, he said that if we really want to enter this sublime conversation, then we have to first of all know what is bhakti. He quoted Srila Rupa Gosvami: anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam anukulyena krsnanu-silanam bhaktir uttama (Brs. 1.1.11)"Uttama-bhakti, or pure devotional service, is the cultivation of activities that are meant exclusively for the pleasure of Sri Krsna, or in other words the uninterrupted flow of service to Sri Krsna, performed through all endeavours of the body, mind, and speech, and through the expression of various spiritual sentiments (bhavas), which is not covered by jnana (knowledge aimed at impersonal liberation) and karma(reward-seeking activity), and which is devoid of all desires other than the aspiration to bring happiness to Sri Krsna."

Srila Gurudeva’s beautiful explanation of each and every word of this verse clarified the subject of the entire conversation between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Raya Ramananda. He said that this verse is the barometer for uttama-bhakti, enabling us to measure the different types of sadhya and sadhana of the conversation, and easily determine whether they are real bhakti or not.

Srila Gurudeva also mentioned that foreign devotees are not allowed to enter certain temples. It is a matter of great regret that those who are following the smarta path do not admit those who have taken to the path of Vaisnavism by accepting sad-guru and krsna-mantra, and by wearing kanthi-mala, tilaka, dhoti, etc. Still our devotees should not feel distress. Rather, they should be humble and tolerant, following in the footsteps of Srila Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis, who never entered these temples, and considered themselves unqualified.

Srila Gurudeva lead the parikrama party to Srila Haridasa Thakura’s samadhi, Sri Radha-kanta Matha(Gambhira), Siddha-bakula, Sveta-Ganga, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya’s house, Sri Jagannatha Mandira, Srila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada’s appearance place, Jagannatha Vallabha garden, Indradyumna Sarovara, Gundica Mandira and Sri Nrsimhadeva Mandira. The parikrama party also went by bus to visit Sri Alalanatha temple, Bentapura (the appearance place of Sri Raya Ramananda), and Saksi Gopala. The party also visited Lingaraja temple, Ananta Vasudeva, and Gauri-kunda in Bhubanesvara, as well as Konarka Sun Temple, Dhavalagiri and Udaygiri.

Then, again in Puri, Srila Gurudeva took the parikrama party to Cataka Parvata, Sri Tota-Gopinatha and Yamesvara-Tota, and to the Mathas of Sri Srimad Bhakti Kumuda Santa Maharaja, Sri Srimad Bhakti Saranga Gosvami Maharaja, and Sri Srimad Bhakti Pramoda Puri Gosvami Maharaja, and to Bankim Mohana (the place where the logs of wood were found, from which the original Jagannatha Deities were made), and Bedi Hanuman (shackled Hanuman). At every place Srila Gurudeva narrated the sweet pastimes that occurred there.

Some devotees also went for the darsana of Sri Nila-Madhava.


On 7th October Srila Gurudeva took the parikrama pilgrims to Tota-Gopinatha Mandira. Tota-Gopinatha is the Deity manifested by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who placed Sri Gadadhara Pandita in charge of His seva. He is the Deity that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu entered at the time of His disappearance from this world. The enchanting garden where Mahaprabhu heard Srimad-Bhagavatam from Gadadhara Pandita is outside and to the left of the Mandira, as one approaches it. The following are excerpts from Srila Maharaja's lecture there.

"Anyone who thinks that Srimati Radhika became zero when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took Her bhava has not understood correctly. Someone may play the part of someone else in a drama, and that second person may still be present; he has not become zero. Someone may play Radha and Krsna, and Radha and Krsna may also be present, watching. Similarly, when Krsna 'took' the bhava of Radhika and became Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, She was also present as Sri Gadadhara Pandita, watching.

"Radhika came in the form of Sri Gadadhara. You should try to know gadadhara-tattva. There is no difference between Sri Gadadhara Pandita and Srimati Radhika, but the activities in Krsna's pastimes and Gaura's pastimes are different. Although they are one in tattva, there is some distinct speciality in Their respective services in the two lilas.

"No gopi, including Candravali, Lalita and Visakha, can experience Srimati Radhika's madanakhya-mahabhava. Krsna has rudha and adirudha-bhava, but not madana-bhava. Sri Gadadhara Pandita, on the other hand, has madanakhya-mahabhava. In Gaura-lila, however, it is covered so that he can help Krsna to play the part of Srimati Radhika. In the form of Sri Gadadhara Pandita, Srimati Radhika is looking and examining, and if there is some-thing wrong in Krsna (as Mahaprabhu), She corrects it.

"In gaura-lila Gauranga is not nagara. No one can serve Gauranga in madhura-rasa by thinking himself a nagari (heroine) gopi and thinking of Gauranga as the nagara (hero), Krsna. Everyone has to serve Him in dasya-bhava. No one should think, ‘I am Lalita, Visakha, or some other gopi.’ This is called gauranga-nagari-vada.

“It is possible for Krsna to be the enjoyer of conjugal mellows, but not Mahaprabhu. He is always in the role of a gopi, Srimati Radhika. Anyone can serve Mahaprabhu in dasya-rasa, but not in madhura-rasa. That would be absurd in this pastime. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says that gauranga-nagari-vada is sahajiya. Caitanya-Bhagavata and our guru-parampara also reject this idea, and Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has defeated the arguments of the gauranga-nagaris.

"Sri Gadadhara Pandita is Srimati Radhika, and he experiences prema up to madanakhya-mahabhava, but he is still serving Mahaprabhu in dasya-bhava. He wants to do what Krsna wants, and thus he covers this madhura-bhava. Sri Gadadhara Pandita knows what Mahaprabhu wants; He wants to play the part of Srimati Radhika. Right from the beginning, He is in Srimati Radha's mood. In order to play Her role, He needed detailed information, which no one other than Srimati Radhika Herself could have supplied. He therefore came here to Tota-Gopinatha to learn how to play Her part by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam from Sri Gadadhara Pandita, who is none other than Srimati Radhika. In its deepest understanding, Srimad-Bhagavatam is really the glories of Srimati Radhika's moods.

"Because Sri Gadadhara Pandita is Srimati Radharani, he will be able to explain Her mood in Srimad-Bhagavatam. His explanations will be the highest explanation and glorification of Her mood. It will be greater than that of Vyasa, Sukadeva, and Krsna Himself. Mahaprabhu came here to know the glories of all the gopis, and especially of Srimati Radharani.

"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came here to hear, and when He heard He fainted. Both He and Gadadhara Pandita fainted. Gadadhara Pandita knew that by hearing from him, Mahaprabhu would be more perfect in playing the part of Srimati Radhika, who is the principal in the school of Srimad-Bhagavatam, in the course of tasting its meanings. "There were three and a half confidential associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Gambhira. Why was Sri Gadadhara Pandita not one of them? He is superior to these other three and a half confidential associates. This is a hidden secret. If Sri Gadadhara Pandita had been there, Mahaprabhu's separation mood would not have come. In the association with Srimati Radhika, He would have thought Himself to be Krsna, and He would not have been able to relish Her moods.

“One day, after hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam, Mahaprabhu was sitting on the sand here at Cataka-parvata, which He considered to be Govardhana. He told Gadadhara Pandita, 'Gadadhara, I want to give you my most valuable property. Will you accept it?' When Gadadhara Pandita agreed, Mahaprabhu said, 'This is the property of My heart.' He began removing the sand and said, 'My prana-dhana is here.' In the mood of Srimati Radhika, He exposed Gopinatha's head and crown, and others then began to help reveal His form. Mahaprabhu then requested Sri Gadadhara Pandita, 'You should take Him and serve Him throughout your life.'

"Gadadhara Pandita is always serving Krsna. In krsna-lila, Srimati Radhika always satisfies Krsna more than Candravali, Lalita, Visakha, and others. Her whole mood is to satisfy Krsna. In mahaprabhu-lila, because Krsna wants to taste Himself, He takes Radhika's mood, and She responds accordingly: 'He wants that, so I should not disturb Him. If I help Him in this, this will be my service.' Do you understand?

"When Mahaprabhu was calling, ‘Krsna! Krsna! O Prananatha!’ Radhika was there, but as an obedient servant. She was in a daksina (submissive) mood. The relationship of dasa is always in a daksina mood. Sri Gadadhara Pandita was even more daksina than Rukmini. Rukmini sometimes had some mana (transcendental loving anger), but Sri Gadadhara Pandita was not like that. If he had been in a vamya (left-wing or unsubmissive) mood, it would have been unfavourable to the mood of Krsna as Mahaprabhu. Gadadhara Pandita was always thinking, 'I am His servant.' If he had said, 'My dear Krsna, my dear beloved’, Mahaprabhu's mood would have been disturbed. "This was also true in Navadvipa. At that time Gauranga was also calling out, ‘Krsna, Krsna!’ not, ‘Radhe, Radhe!’ But at that time He was untrained; He had not yet been admitted into the school of Visakha, Sri Raya Ramananda. At that time also, Gadadhara Pandita always served as an obedient servant, covering all his moods as Srimati Radhika. And he is in the same mood in nitya Navadvipa-dhama. He is never nagari in mahaprabhu-lila."

Later, in his evening class the same day, Srila Gurudeva again gave an esoteric explanation on Sri Gadadhara’s tattva, dispelling the doubts and confusion regarding his position as non-different from Srimati Radharani. Srila Gurudeva explained:

“As a tree is known by its fruits, so we can understand Gadadhara Pandita’s glories by seeing the exemplary behavior of his disciples, such as Srila Lokanatha Gosvami, Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami, Srila Madhu Pandita, Sri Acyutananda (the son of Advaita Acarya prabhu) and the guru of Kavi-karnapura, Srinatha Cakravarti. Moreover, Sri Vallabhacarya, being inspired by Mahaprabhu, also took mantra-diksa from Gadadhara Pandita. A question may be raised, If Sri Gadadhara Pandita is Srimati Radhika Herself, didn't he ever manifest his leftist mood (vamya-bhava) in gaura-lila?

“Sri Gadadhara Pandita has madanakhya-bhava, but he never manifested it because he wanted to see whether Mahaprabhu was playing His role perfectly or not. If he had manifested his madanakhya-bhava, Mahaprabhu would have lost the mood of Sri Radha, and all His lilas would have been spoiled. If Sri Gadadhara Pandita had displayed vamya-bhava, gaura-lila would not have become possible. Therefore, in order to nourish gaura-lila, Gadadhara Pandita was always in a submissive mood.

“Another question can be raised, If Gadadhara Pandita is Sri Radha Herself, then why is He sometimes described in Caitanya-caritamrta as gaura-sakti, sometimes as laksmi-svarupa, and sometimes as having moods like Rukmini? In the treatises of Sri Murari Gupta and Sri Svarupa Damodara, in Kavi-karnapura's Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, and in the Sri Krsna-bhajanamrta of Narahari Sakara, Sri Gadadhara Pandita has been accepted as being non-different in tattva from Srimati Radharani. Although some external difference is seen in various contexts in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta regarding the position of Sri Gadadhara, the reality is still something else. There is no doubt about His position as non-different from Radharani; we only require proper reconciliation. Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami cannot write anything against the siddhanta of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Svarupa Damodara.

“First, let us deliberate why a mood like that of Rukmini was imposed upon Him. Sri Gadadhara Pandita had all the moods of Srimati Radhika, beginning from sraddha to modana, madana,etc. However, as Sri Gadadhara Pandita, Srimati Radhika kept all Her moods concealed for the service and pleasure of Her beloved Sri Krsna in the form of Mahaprabhu. In other words, She accepted daksina-bhava (a submissive mood) like that of Rukmini. As the obedient servant of Krsna in the form of Mahaprabhu, Srimati Radhika, as Gadadhara, never maintained any independent desire. Rather, She subdued all Her desires to satisfy the desires of Her Prabhu.

“This is the type of daksina-bhava displayed by Sri Laksmanaji towards Sri Rama when, on His order, Laksmanaji took Sita-devi to the forest and left her there, although he himself never wanted to do so. A sat-sisya also has such daksina-bhava for his Gurudeva. Undergoing all types of pains and difficulties, he subdues all his personal desires, and tries to please his Gurudeva.

“The role and services of Gadadhara Pandita is the example of Srimati Radhika's wholesale dedication and self-giving for the pleasure of Her beloved Sri Krsna as Mahaprabhu. In krsna-lila, vamya-bhava (an unsubmissive mood) is also seen in Srimati Radhika at such times as in mana, but in gaura-lila, in the role of Gadadhara, She subdued all such moods and maintained daksina-bhava, only for the pleasure of Mahaprabhu. This type of service, which is opposite to one's own desires, is very difficult to perform. However, being the supreme abode of prema, Srimati Radhika as Gadadhara gives us the instruction to perform such difficult services.

“If, when Gadadhara Pandita saw Mahaprabhu, he had called out to Him in radha-bhava, ‘Alas Prananatha!’ Mahaprabhu would have come to embrace him, and all His moods would have been spoiled. Mahaprabhu could not be served by radha-bhava, the conjugal mood, at that time. Rather, dasya-bhava was required to nourish His moods. Srimati Radhika is sarva-laksmi-mayi, and therefore there should not be any objection to referring to Her as laksmi-svarupa. Moreover She is para-sakti, who is worshipped even by Krsna Himself.

“From the above statements we can easily reconcile apparent contradictions to the understanding that Gadadhara Pandita is none other than Srimati Radhika Herself. Mahaprabhu came to taste the moods of Srimati Radhika, not of Rukmini. If Gadadhara were the incarnation of Rukmini, he would not have been able to serve Mahaprabhu by helping Him to taste the moods of Srimati Radhika. Furthermore, why would Svarupa Damodara, who is accepted without controversy as the incarnation of Lalita-sakhi, and who has written Sri Gadhadara-astakam, glorify Rukmini-devi instead of her sakhi Srimati Radhika? When Sriman Mahaprabhu relished radha-bhava int he Gambhira, Sri Svarupa Damodara stayed very close to Him. He knew perfectly well that it was Sri Gadhadara Pandita who was supplying all the bhavas from a distance, to help Mahaprabhu relish radha-bhava.”

Hearing the beautiful classes by Srila Gurudeva and seeing the many pastime places, several devotees commented, “This is the best parikrama I have ever experienced.” Some remembered reading somewhere that the Purusottama month is even higher than Karttika. On his last day in Puri, however, Srila Gurudeva clarified this idea. Though he glorified Purusottama month with all sastric references and realizations, he concluded, “Karttika month is so much higher. Purusottama month is Krsna, and Karttika is Srimati Radhika. She is so much more glorious than Krsna. Only by the grace of Srimati Radhika is the true glory of Purusottama Krsna known. Her devotion is the light by which Krsna’s beauty shines, which in itself makes Radhika more resplendent. In the same way, Her month of Karttika illuminates the glories of this Purusottama month, which in return only stands to highlight the magnificence of Karttika even more.”



The Glories of Sri Purusottama Month


by Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Two divisions of sastra: smarta and paramartha

The Vedic arya-sastras are divided into two sections:�smarta (literature based on smrti) and paramartha (transcendental literature based on sruti). Those who are eligible (adhikari) for the smarta section do not have any natural inclination or taste for the paramartha-sastras. The thoughts, principles, activities and life goal of every human is constituted according to his respective ruci (inclination). Generally, smartas accept those scriptures which are in accordance with their respective ruci. Having greater adhikara for smarta-sastra, they do not demonstrate much regard for paramarthika-sastra. Providence is the agent behind the creation of these two divisions. Therefore, undoubtedly the maintainer of the world must have a hidden purpose in having made such an arrangement.

As far as I understand, the purpose is that the jivas sequentially make progress in their level of consciousness by remaining steadfast in their respective adhikara. By deviating from one's adhikara, one falls down. According to one's activities, a person attains two types of adhikara:karmadhikara and bhakti-adhikhara. As long as one maintains his karmadhikara, he derives benefit from the path shown by the smarta section. When he enters bhakti-adhikara, by transgressing the karmadhikara, then he develops a natural ruci (inclination) for the paramarthika, or transcendental, path. Therefore, providence has made these two divisions of sastra: smarta and paramartha.

The rules and regulations of smarta sastra are committed to karma

The smarta sastra has made various types of rules and regulations in order to help one attain nistha, steadfastness, in karmadhikara. In many instances, it even demonstrates indifference towards paramartha sastra to make people attain specific nistha in such rules and regulations. In reality, although sastra is one, it manifests in two ways for the people. If the jiva gives up adhikara-nistha, he can never attain auspiciousness. For this reason, the sastras have been divided into two: smarta and paramartha.

Adhimasa (extra month), also called mala masa (impure month), is devoid of all auspicious activities

By dividing the whole year in twelve parts, the smarta-sastras have ascertained the auspicious, or religious, activities for these twelve months. All the karma, religious activities which are part of the varnasrama system when allotted to the twelve months, leave the extra month (adhimasa) devoid of any such activity. There is no religious performance in adhimasa. In order to keep lunar months and solar months in tally, one month has to be excluded every 32 months. The name of that month is adhimasa (extra month).* Smartas have discarded this extra month, considering it abominable. They gave it names such as mala masa (impure month), cora masa (thieving month), and so on.

* It is stated in Sri Surya Siddhanta that in one mahayuga there are 1,593,336 extra months and 51,840,000 solar months. Therefore, there is one extra month after every 32 months, 16 days and 4 hours of the solar calendar.

From the perspective of paramartha-sastra, adhimasa is superior and advantageous for Hari-bhajana

On the other hand, the most worshipable paramartha-sastra acclaims adhimasa as the most outstanding month for transcendental activities. Since life in this world is temporary, it is not proper to spend any part of one's life meaninglessly. It is imperative for the jiva to remain continuously engaged in hari-bhajana at every moment. Thus, the adhimasa, which comes every third year, may also become useful for hari-bhajana. This is indeed the deep meaning of paramartha-sastras. Even though karmis perceive this month to be devoid of all auspicious activities, for the deliverance of all the jivas, paramartha sastra, on the other hand, has ascertained that period as the most conducive for hari-bhajana. Paramartha sastra says, He jiva! During this adhimasa why should you remain lazy in hari-bhajana? Srimad Golokanatha Himself has ascertained that this month is the best of all. It is superior even to the greatly pious months of Karttika, Magha and Vaisakha. In this month, you should perform arcana of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna with special rules, or moods, for bhajana. You will thereby attain all types of perfection.

The history and glories of adhimasa and how it received the name Purusottama

The glories of adhimasa are mentioned in the thirty-first chapter of the Naradiya Purana. Adhimasa considered the sovereignty of the twelve months and saw that he was being slighted. He went to Vaikuntha and related his dilemma to Sri Narayana. Out of compassion, Vaikuntha-pati took Adhimasa with Him and appeared before Sri Krsna in Goloka. After hearing about the distress of malamasa (the impure month), Sri Krsna's heart melted and He spoke thus:

aham etair yatha loke prathitah purusottamah
tathayam api lokesu prathitah purusottamah

asmai samarpitah sarve ye gunamayi samsthitah
mat-sadrsyam-upagamya masanamadhipo bhavet

jagat-pujyo jagat-vandyo maso ayam tu bhavisyati
sarve masah sakamas ca niskamo ayam maya krtah

akamah sarvakamo va yo adhimasam prapujayet
karmani bhasmasat krtva mam evaisyaty asamsayam

kadacin-mama bhaktanamaparadheti ganyate
purusottama-bhaktanam naparadhah kadacana

ya etasmin-maha mudha japa-danadi-varjitah
sat-karma-snana-rahita deva-tirtha-dvija-dvisah

jayante durbhaga dustah para-bhagyopajivanah
na kadacit sukham tesam svapne api sasa-srngavat

yenahamarcito bhaktya mase asmin purusottame
dhana-putra-sukham bhunktva pascad-goloka-vasabhak

He Ramapati! Just as I am celebrated in this world by the name Purusottama, similarly, this Adhimasa too will be renowned in the world by the name Purusottama. Now I offer all My qualities to this month. Becoming like Me, from today onwards, this Adhimasa is the monarch of all the other months, and is the most worshipable and most adored in the world. All other months are sakama, that is, they will grant worldly desires. This month, however, is niskama. Those who worship this month, either without any desires (akama) or with all types of desires, will have all their karmas burnt. Then they will achieve Me. My bhaktas sometimes commit offenses, but in this Purusottama month, they will be protected from committing any offense. In this adhimasa, those greatly foolish persons who neglect to perform auspicious activities, such as japa, giving in charity, visiting and bathing at the holy places, and who are envious of the dvijas (brahmanas) are deemed wicked, unfortunate and living at the cost of others. Thus, they will not attain a scent of happiness, even in their dreams. Conversely, those who are filled with bhakti will take advantage of this Purusottama month to perform arcana to Me. After enjoying worldly happiness, such as wealth, sons and so on, they will eventually attain residence in Goloka.

The glories of Purusottama month in the context of Draupadi's history

Many episodes from the Puranas are narrated in the context of the glories of Purusottama month. One such example is Draupadi. In her previous life, she was the daughter of Medha Rsi. Even after hearing of the glories of Purusottama month from Durvasa Rsi, she neglected to observe that month. As a result, she attained many sufferings in that life and became the wife of five husbands in her birth as Draupadi. During their exile, the Pandavas followed Sri Krsna's instructions to observe purusottama-masa-vrata and thus crossed over all their sufferings. As it is said:

evam sarvesu tirthesu bhramantah pandunandanah
purusottama-masadya-vratam cerur vidhanatah
tadante rajyam atulam avapur gata-kantakam
purne caturdase varse sri krsna-krpaya mune

He Muni! During the period of their exile, the Pandavas traveled throughout all the holy places, and by the mercy of Sri Krsna they observed Sri Purusottama vrata with all rules and regulations. As a result of this they completed their fourteen years of exile without any obstacles and at the end attained an unparalleled kingdom.

The account of King Drdhadhanva as spoken by Valmiki regarding Purusottama Vrata

Purusottama-masa is glorified in the account of King Drdhadhanva's previous birth. At Badarikasrama, Narada heard the procedure of the vrata from Narayana Rsi, which Valmiki Muni then related to King Drdhadhanva in answer to the king's questions. Just as the rules of ahanika (gayatri mantras) for brahmanas are ascertained in dharma-sastras, similarly, the obligatory activities for one observing Purusottama vrata are also delineated, beginning from the brahma-muhurta hour.

Rules for bathing in the month of Sri Purusottama

Regarding the rules for bathing during Purusottama month, it is said:

samudraga nadi-snanam-uttamam parikirtitam
vapi-kupa-tadagesu madhyamam kathitam budhaih
grhe snanam tu samanyam grhasthasya prakirtitam

There are three types of baths as declared by the wise. Bath in the rivers which meet the ocean is the topmost. Bath in lakes, ponds and wells is the second best, and bath in one's home is an ordinary bath.

For one who is observing Sri Purusottama vrata, after taking bath he should observe the following:

sapavitrena hastena kuryad acamana-kriyam
acamya tilakam kuryad-gopi-candana-mrt-snaya
urddhvapundra mrjum saumyam dandakaram prakalpayet
sankha-cakradikam dharyam gopi-candana-mrtsnaya

After bathing one should perform acamana with clean hands. One should then make paste of gopicandana clay and wear simple, beautiful, straight urddhvapundra tilaka on his forehead and the marks of conch, disc and so on, on his body.

The exclusive worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna is Obligatory in Purusottama month

The worship of Sri Krsna is the obligatory activity of Purusottama month.

purusottama-masasya daivatam purusottamah
tasmat sampujayed bhaktya sraddhaya purusottamam

Valmiki said, He Drdhadhanva! Purusottama Sri Krsna is the presiding deity of the Purosottama month. Therefore, being filled with bhakti-sraddha, you should worship Purusottama Sri Krsna with sixteen types of paraphernalia every day of this month. As it is said:

sodasopacarais ca pujayet purusottam

The worship of the divine couple Sri Sri Radha-Krsna is indeed obligatory in Purusottama masa.

agaccha deva devesa sri krsna purusottama
radhaya sahitas catra grhana pujanam mama

Activities forbidden in the month of Purusottama

All the rules and regulations regarding Sri Purusottama vrata, which we have presented above from these sastras, should be followed by religiously devoted persons of all the varnas (castes). The Naradiya Purana concludes by saying that in the holy place of Naimisaranya, Sri Suta Gosvami spoke to the assembled devotees as follows:

bharate janurasadya purusottam-uttamam
na sevante na srnvanti grhasakta naradhamah
gatagatam bhajante 'tra durbhaga janmajanmani
putra-mitra-kalatrapta-viyogad duhkha bhaginah

asmin mase dvija srestha nasacchastrany udaharet
na svapet para-sayayam nalapet vitatham kvacit
parapavadan na krayan na kathancit kadacana
parannanca na bhunjita na kurvita parakriyam

Even after taking birth in India, those who are the lowest of mankind remain attached to household life and never hear the glories of Sri Purusottama vrata; nor do they observe it. Such unfortunate persons undergo the suffering of repeated birth and death and the distress inflicted by the separation from sons, friends, wife and other relatives.

O best of the dvijas! In this Purusottama month, one should not uselessly discuss worldly literature or mundane poetry. One should not sleep on the bed of others nor indulge in discussions of worldly sense enjoyment. One should not criticize others, eat foodstuffs cooked by others, or perform activities prescribed for others.

The obligatory activities in the Purusottama month

vittasathyam akurvano danam dadhyad dvijataye
vidyamane dhane sathyam kurvano rauravam vrajet

dine dine dvijendraya dattva bhojanam-uttamam
divasasyastame bhage vrati bhojanam acaret

indradyumnah satadyumno yauvanasvo bhagirathah
purusottamam aradhya yayur bhagavadantikam

tasmat sarva prayatnena samsevya purusottamah
sarva sadhanatah sresthah sarvartha phala-dayakah

govardhana-dharam vande gopalam gopa-rupinam
gokulotsavam-isanam govindam gopika-priyam*

kaundinyena pura proktam imam mantram punah punah
japan-masam nayed bhaktya purusottamam-apnuyat

dhyayen-navaghana-syamam dvibhujam muralidharam
lasat pita-patam ramyam sa-radham purosottamam

dhyayam dhyayam nayen-masam pujayan purusottamam
evam yah kurute bhaktya svabhistam sarvam apnuyat

Giving up miserliness, one should give in charity to the brahmanas. If a person remains miserly even though he has wealth, his miserliness will be the cause of his going to Raurava (one type of hell). Everyday one should feed the Vaisnavas and brahmanas with the best foodstuffs. A person who is following the vows should take his food in the eighth part of the day. Indradyuyamna, Satadyuyamna, Yauvanasva and Bhagiratha attained samipya, close association of Bhagavan by worshiping the Purusottama month. One should perform service to Purusottama with all of one's endeavors. Such service to Purusottama is superior to all types of sadhana and fulfills all variety of desires. In a previous age, Kaundilya Muni repeatedly chanted the mantra 'govardhana-dharam vande'. By chanting this mantra with devotion during Sri Purusottama month, one will attain Sri Purusottama Himself. One should devote Purusottama month to constantly meditating upon nava-ghana dvibhuja muralidhara pitambara Sri Krsna with Sri Radha. Those who do this with devotion will have all their cherished desires fulfilled.

* I worship the lifter of Govardhana, Gopala, who has the form of a gopa. He is the festival of Gokula (gokula-utsava), the Supreme Controller of all (isvara), and He is Govinda the beloved of the gopis (gopika-priyam).

The observance for transcendentalists - svanistha, paranistha and nirapeksa

There are three types of transcendentalists: svanistha - those who are steadfast in their personal vows; paranisthita - those who are steadfast in following the vows set forth by their respective acaryas; and nirpeksa - those who are indifferent to the above two types of steadfastness.* All the activities mentioned above for Purusottama month are prescribed for svanistha transcendentalists. Paranisthita bhaktas are eligible to observe Purusottama vrata according to the rules and instructions of Karttika vrata prescribed by their respective acaryas. Nirapeksa bhaktas repect this sacred month by daily honoring sri bhagavat prasad with one-pointed attention, following some routine for sravana and kirtana of sri harinama according to their capacity.

* Svanistha and paranisthita bhaktas are generally householders and nirapeksa bhaktas are renunciates.

The following statement from Visnu Rahasya, which is the topmost instruction of Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa, recommends:

indriyarthesv-asaktanam sadaiva vimala matih
paritosayate visnum nopavaso jitatmanah

Those whose intelligence has been purified by bhakti are detached from the inclination for sense enjoyment. The intelligence of such persons is naturally pure; therefore, they are jitatma, they have conquered their minds. It is by their innate bhakti, rather than by upavasa (fasting) and other such activities, that they have purified their minds and are thus able to please Sri Krsna at all times.

The innate ruci (inclination) and obligatory activities of ekantika bhaktas

Therefore, Srila Sanatana Gosvami has concluded his book Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa by presenting the following statements for one-pointed devotees:

evam ekantinam prayah kirtanam smaranam prabhoh
kurvatam param-pritya krtyam-anyan na rocate
bhavena kenacit presthah sri murter-anghri sevane
syad icchyaisam svatantrena sva-rasanaiva tad-vidhih
vihitesv eva nityesu pravartante svayam hite
ityady ekantinam bhati mahatmyam likhitam hi tat

Ekantika bhaktas (one-pointed devotees) of Sri Krsna consider sri krsna-smarana and sri krsna-kirtana alone to be the most fulfilling and valued activities. Generally, they do not engage in any other angas of bhakti besides these two, which they cultivate with great love and affection. Their eagerness for these angas is so strong that no other activity can captivate their taste. They develop an intense desire to serve the lotus feet of Sri Krsna in a specific mood. Therefore, they render service to the lotus feet of Sri Krsna with moods which are favorable to their own rasa, along with some independence (to give up the injunctions which are unfavorable to their cultivation). This alone is their vidhi. The ekantika bhaktas are not bound to follow all the rules and regulations which have been prescribed by the rsis. The moods of the ekantika bhakta's inborn, natural disposition generally remain prominent. This is their glory.

Adhimasa is dear to bhaktas as there is no disturbance from the karma-kanda in this month.

The bhaktas observe Sri Purusottma month according to their respective adhikara; this means according to the distinctions of the moods of svanistha, paranisthita and ekantika bhaktas. Bhagavan Vrajanatha Sri Krsna is the sovereign of this month; therefore, adhimasa is dear to every bhakta. This is because, incidentally, in this month no disturbance from the karma-kanda can come to obstruct the performance of one's bhakti.


(Article Source:The Harmonist).











(História do Movimento Hare Krsna no Brasil - por Vyasa Dasa)

Relato Histórico do Inicio do Vaisnavismo no Brasil em 1973, com A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada, e os demais momentos importantes que se seguiram com a continuidade evolutiva do Estabelecimento de Grandes Acaryas Vaisnavas, sendo Srila Sridhara Maharaja a partir de 1.980 e atualmente Srila Narayana Maharaja.

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